Re-election of Sr. Elizabeth Caicedo as Rector of the UCM

on 18 Jun, 2020
Hits: 2518

Manizales (Colombia), 06/16/2020, UCM.- The Executive Council of the Catholic University of Manizales re-elects Sr. Elizabeth Caicedo Caicedo as Rector. 

This Tuesday, June 16, there was an ordinary session of the Executive Council of the Catholic University of Manizales where the Rector Sr. Elizabeth Caicedo Caicedo presented the report of the Catholic University of Manizales as responsible for the Institution during the period 2016-2020. During these four years there occurred great accomplishments in UCM, such as gaining institutional recognition for a period of four years, a support from the Ministry of National Education for the quality of education offered at our University. Moreover, during this time the research processes, social projection and of welfare have been strengthened, which have impacted the entire university community, students, teachers, administrators, graduates and society in general.

Knitting the University with the society around and supporting city projects has allowed the institution to demonstrate its commitment to projects such as: Manizales University Campus, Manizales Más (Manizales More) and Manizales Como Vamos (How are we?), Education for Competitiveness and other regional initiatives that have carried the seal of the Catholic University of Manizales. Given the good results of the UCM, the executive Council decided to re-elect Sr. Elizabeth as Rector of the University for the period 2020-2024.

The Congregation rejoices in the re-election of Sr. Elizabeth Caicedo Caicedo as Rector of UCM, a work of the Congregation and of the Church at the service of higher education. We are happy with the recognition that both the Congregation and the citizens of Manizales give to her human quality and her capacity for administrative and educational management. During these years, the collaboration with others and the involvement at all levels in the educational community have been strengthened at the university, as well as the knowledge of Marie Poussepin along with the social and pastoral outreach as an expression of the Congregational charism and the Gospel. We wish Sr. Elizabeth great success and God’s blessing in this beautiful mission.