Presentation Vocational Youth Meeting: “And you, do you dare to dream?”

on 14 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2421

Colombia, 08/14/2020, Sr. Zabrina Llanos Bolaños, Coordinator of the Interprovincial Team for Vocational Youth Ministry.- Since the 55th General Chapter, the Congregation in the provinces of Colombia and El Caribe has begun a process of forming an interprovincial team of Youth Vocational Ministry with the main objective of energizing the process of creating and developing the project of the Presentation Youth Network. For this reason, a group of sisters from the different Provinces of Colombia and El Caribe have had periodical meetings to find common lines of action and share significant experiences that can strengthen interprovincial network with young people.

Bearing in mind the current scenario we face as one humanity, the interprovincial team has organized a strategy which will permit meeting, sharing, pooling of resources and continue the process of vocational youth animation using the technological platforms that are available today.

In this way and with the aim of providing a space for meeting and reflection that could awaken in young people an interest for vocations, a Vocational Youth Meeting has been organized for August 15 of this year with the theme: AND YOU, DO YOU DARE TO DREAM?

For this meeting the invitation has been made through different social networks and web pages of the provinces, achieving registration of more than 130 young people of date from the different countries where the Congregation has its presence in Latin America: Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama, Ecuador, Chile. This is an open space for both adolescents and youth, men and women who are on a search with a vocational inspiration.

The meeting will be animated by sisters from different Provinces who will develop themes in a dynamic and authentic way inspired by the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit:

• You are the now of God: Dare to dream big. Dreams of youth.
• Paths of Youth: Dreams inspired by faith
• God's dream: Holiness, Vocation

This meeting will be held through the Zoom platform. However, the sisters and the young people who want to join us can do so through Facebook LIVE on the Facebook page PVocacional Presentación, from 3:00 pm time in Colombia.

After this vocational youth meeting which is an open platform, there will be a formative program of meetings every Thursday, through Facebook LIVE PVocation Presentation, in which different topics referring to the following of Jesus and what a vocational option means in the style of the Dominican Charism of Marie Poussepin, will be shared with young people. This program will conclude on the feast of Marie Poussepin with a great Week on Charism with an emphasis on vocation at the Interprovincial level in the framework of the Year of Grace. All the sisters from different Structures who wish to participate in these spaces are most welcome.

We count on the prayers of each one of the sisters and local communities so that this meeting may bear the fruit that the Lord expects from us. At the same time, may it be a significant experience of working together, of sharing our gifts and talents, community building in new paths of evangelization and strengthen our Dominican Charism of Marie Poussepin.