Our Mission in Texas: 50 years

on 19 Nov, 2020
Hits: 2116

Brownsville, Texas (USA), 11/19/2020, Community of Brownsville.- In the context of the year of grace of the 25th anniversary of the Beatification of our Mother Foundress Marie Poussepin, our community celebrates 50 years of missionary presence in the Diocese of Brownsville. Our presence in the Dioceses of Brownsville, Texas began on January 30, 1970, at the request of Bishop Humberto Medeiros who wanted the sisters to respond to the needs of the migrant workers in Raymondville. The USA Vice Province responded to its first missionary expansion outside Massachusetts.

Sr. Camille Descheemacker, Sr. Therese Joseph Hazera and Sr. Pauline Boyer were the pioneers of our service to the church in the south of Texas. The first community was established in the city of Raymondville. Sr. Maria Ceballos joined them some months later. The mission of the community at the start was to bring health care to the needy areas, with a large percentage of immigrant families, social promotion, education, and parish ministry.

The sisters contributed to the establishment of Su Clinica Familiar. Some of our sisters worked at the diocesan pastoral level as director of catechesis and evangelization. Sr. Marina Carrascal worked for many years in the education of migrant children, not only in the Diocese of Brownsville, but also travelled with the migrants to the north of the USA as the families went to work where there were crops to be picked.

In 1976 the community extended the mission to Cotulla, a city four hours away in the Diocese of San Antonio, for a short time. In 1977 a community was established in Edcouch, where the sisters also ministered in the local clinic and parish. In 1978 the community in Raymondville was closed and a community was established in Lasara, a more rural area, part of the parish in Raymondville. This community was closed in 1981.

In 1984 the community of Edcouch moved to Brownsville. There the sisters have ministered in several parishes and schools, in many rural areas and colonies. Some 33 Dominican Sisters of the Presentation and several postulants and novices have served the Dioceses at large throughout the 50 years.

For 36 years the community’s residence and mission has been in the city of Brownsville border area with Matamoros, Mexico. Our presence as a community is visible and effective. We are committed to serve the socially and economically disadvantage, in a special way immigrant, youth, elderly, and families.