Happy and Holy New Year 2021!

on 31 Dec, 2020
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Rome (Italy), LETTER OF SR. MARIA ESCAYOLA, 12/31/2020.- During this Christmas season, which we have lived in a special way in most of our communities and countries, the liturgy speaks to us insistently of light: "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land and in the shadow of death, and a light has shone upon them" (Is 9:1). God has spoken to us through his Son. He is the reflection of his glory" (Heb. 1:2-3). The Word was the true light that enlightens every person" On 1:9), he is a "light to enlighten the nations" (Lk 2:32).


7. Letter Sr. Maria Escayola - Happy new year 2021 Download

We have often experienced fear, pain, uncertainty and anguish, but this can help us to better appreciate the profound meaning of this Word of consolation and hope that the liturgy presents to us during this time.  It challenges us to grow in trust in the Lord, to rejoice in the mystery of his Incarnation, to discover Jesus present and close to us, in the people around us and to experience his saving action in the events that mark humanity.

"If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, then we are in communion with one another" (1Jn 1:7).  Pope Francis, in his Message for the celebration of the 54th World Day of Peace, presents us a way to live this communion: "The culture of care as a path to peace". His message is a dynamic New Year's greeting.  It calls for commitment and hope; it teaches us the importance of being responsible for each other and building relationships based on fraternity, dialogue and trust. It encourages us to promote the dignity and rights of the person, to care for the common good, to live in solidarity, to protect creation.

A culture of care to eradicate the culture of indifference, rejection and confrontation. We should let ourselves be questioned by these last three words to review what our attitudes, feelings and actions have been during this year that is ending.

This culture will enable us to build a new and better community environment, based on listening, hope, and openness to heal wounds, mutual respect, harmony and communion.

The Pope also reminds us that the spiritual and corporal works of mercy are at the heart of the service of charity as practiced by the early Church; it is through these acts of mercy that Marie Poussepin made her service of charity concrete. The many needs of the men and women today, are calls that invite us to generosity, creativity and innovation, in order to deepen, incarnate and live the Charism of our Foundress.

Let us begin this New Year 2021 with openness, listening, waiting and living the Gospel.  The Lord enables us to participate in an exciting moment in our history: we are not in an era of change but in a change of era, with the effects of a pandemic that has challenged our many securities and has forced us to change our ways of seeing and acting. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to do our part to help humanity and the world grow in the wisdom of the Gospel.

It is the time of the Spirit, in which, as a Congregation, we want to go beyond borders to revitalize life and mission. This encourages us to re-signify and reorganize our structures at the personal, community and missionary levels, to continue our long journey of 325 years led by Divine Providence.

In 2021, we will also celebrate the 800th anniversary of the death of Saint Dominic: it will be an occasion to get closer to his person, his spirituality and his mission in order to rediscover and embrace the meaning of his ardent and generous charity towards God and neighbor. To relieve the needs of the poor, he sold his books as a concrete expression of mercy, which gives light and meaning to his prayer for sinners, and the proclamation of the Gospel for the salvation of all peoples.

What was the synthesis of the Dominican spirituality that Marie Poussepin wanted to live? We do not know the content of the sermons and talks of Fr. Mespolie OP, which impelled her to offer it to her sisters as a means of following the Lord. However, we can discover it in her Rule and in the living tradition of our community, her love for Truth, contemplation as dialogue with God and commitment to the poor. May this be an element to help us deepen our understanding of her Charism to elaborate our Charismatic Plan.

Let us thank God for his merciful and provident love in our lives and in the Congregation. Let us ask Him, through the intercession of Mary, Holy Mother of God, to continue to bless and guide us.

With the Sisters of the General Community, we wish you a HAPPY AND HOLY NEW YEAR 2021!