Bolivia: Forty days for life

on 19 Jan, 2021
Hits: 2177

La Paz (Bolivia), 01/19/2021, Community of Alto Obrajes.- Forty days for life will defeat abortion with prayer and fasting. "Forty Days for Life" is an international campaign in which more than 60 countries are participating. La Paz, the capital city of Bolivia, has formally participated in it for four years and since this year, six more cities joined this campaign.

The mission is to gather, in a spirit of unity, the body of Christ in front of abortion centers, during 40 days of prayer, fasting and community integration, of peaceful activism, with the purpose of inviting repentance and seeking God's favor, so that it changes hearts and minds, from a culture of death, to a culture of life, thus putting an end to abortion.

Why do we pray in front of these centers where abortions are performed?

- Because by praying visibly in that place, we bear witness that there is a battle between life and death taking place there every day, that there is a very grave injustice in which innocent lives are lost.
- Because our prayerful and visible presence becomes the last chance to change the heart of the person who is about to have an abortion.
- We pray for the conversion of the medical personnel involved in this crime of abortion.

So, our presence is important before these centers of death where we save lives and souls; this is the only objective of this campaign. So far, worldwide, 16,742 babies have been saved from abortion; 190 abortion center workers quit their jobs; 104 abortion centers closed down; 6,428 campaigns have been carried out worldwide. All this has involved: 61 countries, 855 cities, one million participants and 19,000 churches.

The general objective of the justice and peace plan for the Province is: "to assume and give a new impulse to the option for justice and peace, to the commitment to life and to the care of the environment (care for our common home) in order to respond to the historical events of our brothers and sisters according to the calls of the Church." Mrs. Judith Calcinas, a member of the Marie Poussepin lay group, participates in this campaign for the defense of life. She is also part of family catechesis in the parish as a Guide for Couples.

La flecha señala a Judith CalcinasLa flecha señala a Judith Calcinas