Online Course on "The Vows"

on 28 Apr, 2021
Hits: 1844

Morelia, Michoacán (México), 04/28/2021, Sr. Ana María Llamas Alejandre.- From April 19-22, an Online Course on "The Vows" was organized for the novices of Manizales, Guadalupe, United States and Sainville. Sr. Herminia Rincon Marin, General Councilor, spoke to us about the vows from different perspectives: Jesus Christ, the Church, Dominican Order and the Congregation.

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, he humbled himself by taking the form of a slave and obeyed to the point of death on a cross.” (Cf. Phil 2: 6-8).

Sr. Herminia shared with us her experience of prayer and reminded us that the foundation of our vows is in Jesus Christ. Since God, out of love, gave his own Son so that all of us could be saved; the Son identified himself with the project of the Father, stripped himself of everything and became incarnate and obeyed His Father until death.

And for all those who take Vows in Christ, are provided with an authentic freedom to:

  • Offer our life at the service of God and neighbor through listening - Obedience.
  • To strip ourselves of everything that prevents us from following the Lord spiritually and materially - Poverty.
  • Love without measure - Chastity.

On the last day, in a festive atmosphere and taking advantage of the resources that virtual platforms offer us, we had the opportunity to greet the Novices from India, Philippines and Africa; this was an experience that allowed us to witness the great spiritual and cultural richness that the Congregation has and also, with the support of the Sisters who translated, we could see that language is not a barrier when we want to share faith and life from the language of love. However, it is still a challenge to open ourselves to learn other languages. Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General, and the sisters of the General Community encouraged us to continue to respond to the Lord in fidelity.

I am very grateful to the sisters who made it possible for us to share these days and for the invitation they extended to me to participate, since I am a Sister of temporary vows. I made my profession a year and a half ago and I value the richness of this meeting.

The Lord said:
Observe how they do everything with love
Do not stay with what your eyes see,
Observe with the heart,
The reason why, they perform every action.

They go seeking the truth,
And on the way, they must strip themselves of much,
To live in freedom
And do the will of the Father
Who tells us in all things you must love.

United in Congregation,
Let us follow the Lord together.