From Africa, a blog

on 19 Jul, 2021
Hits: 1628

Burkina Faso (Africa), 07/19/2021, MCS Africa Team.- The team of the Means of Social Communication for Evangelization of the Vice Province of Africa composed of the Sisters: Pauline Ilboudo, Béatrice Kantoro and Lucienne Sam held an ordinary meeting in Dassasgho (Ouagadougou) on March 27, 2021 in order to elaborate an action plan for the year 2021.

After an introductory prayer and the reading of the minutes of their previous meeting, they reiterated the purpose of the Means of Social Communication, in clear terms what the Congregation and our structure expect from us as MCS team. In this regard, the team reflected on the tasks assigned to it. Then, the team focused on the primary objective of the day's meeting, which was the development of an action plan for the year 2021. In the course of its action plan, it is foreseen the creation of a Blog. 

Thus, with the help of a student of the Society of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) Honoré Adja, our team was able to create the Blog of the Structure. It is called: Practical Faith. With the following address:

Our readers will find in this blog gospel sharing that has a special stamp, that is, that questions their faith and invites them to action.