"Atiza el fuego": a portrait of Marie Poussepin by Sr. Nora Inés Fonnegra

on 26 Jul, 2021
Hits: 1906

Barcelona (Spain), 07/26/2021, Sr. Gemma Morató.- The Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM), a university institution attached to the municipality of Medellín and accredited in high quality, published in its magazine Memoria, number 50, on February 2021, the portrait of Marie Poussepin written by Sister Nora Inés Fonnegra Gómez.

"Atiza el fuego""Atiza el fuego"Sr. Nora Inés FonnegraSr. Nora Inés FonnegraSister Nora Inés called her publication "semblanza" because it is a short historical novel based on her historical, philosophical and pedagogical training. The author of this publication, promoted by an academic institution of university rank, stresses that her text is "like frescoes exhibited in an art gallery, whose central character is Marie Poussepin, founder of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, where I mix fiction or imaginary prints with portraits or real shots of what happened, trying to maintain an intrinsic link between the imagination of episodes that are plotted at different times, as my concern is not to follow a strict historical linearity, but the outline of the character in different episodes of her journey".

Memoria is a series published by the Fondo Editorial ITM with the aim of "bringing together the social thought of the contemporary world expressed in the form of interviews, conferences and lectures by authors of national and international renown, who deal with reality and provoke reflection and the formation of critical thought". The complete catalogue of this series covers political, literary and artistic themes, among others, all with a common interest: to allow readers to form their own opinion and to participate in the discussions or simply to be sensitised to the texts and the world around us..

Sister Nora Inés Fonnegra immerses us in the life of Marie Poussepin from her beginnings through a new, daring, sympathetic and well-founded perspective, taking us on a journey by the France of the time with all its history and culture.


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