Colloquium with the Master of the Order, Bro. Gerard Timoner (UPDATED NEWS)

on 31 Jul, 2021
Hits: 1809

Barcelona (Spain), 08/04/2021, Sr. Gemma Morató i Sendra.- Bro. Gerard Timoner III, Master of the Order, closed the cycle of colloquiums organized by the MCS team of the Congregation to celebrate and remember the 800 years of the Dies Natalis of St. Dominic and the 325 years of foundation of our Congregation, last July 31.

In an enjoyable, profound and friendly conference with more than 270 sisters from all over the world connected, Bro Gerard made us reflect on what it means and what it requires to sit at the table of St. Dominic. We offer you the PowerPoint he made and the video of the virtual colloquium. 



- Download powerpoint in PDF:
Presentation Master of the Order - eng Download

- Download Master's text in PDF: 
Dies Natalis esp-fr-eng Download



The colloquiums

Mysore (India), 08/13/2021, Sr. Jenet.- The colloquiums on St. Dominic, organized on the occasion of the 800th death anniversary (Dies Nalalis) of St. Dominic and 325 years of the foundation of our Congregation are indeed praise worthy. Three online sessions accessible to all the sisters of the whole Congregation at the same time, no matter what language we spoke, was an experience of Pentecost. Focus on different angles of the same spirituality, gave us a profound experience of knowing the roots of our spiritual heritage. This was a point of encounter going beyond every distance, language, nationalities, cultures and age groups.  

St. Dominic prayed for others, not for himself, that everyone may be saved.  His genius in instituting community life is very unique and truly a Dominican identity; all three speakers emphasized on the importance of fraternal life. Journeying together, we should inspire and support one another and always seek the common good.  These sessions challenged our authenticity of consecration, relationship with God, witness of an evangelical fraternity, and preaching together in charity and mercy. 

Congratulations to Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General and sisters of the General Council, our gratitude to the sisters responsible for SMC for your creative organization to unite all of us together in preparation for this twin celebration.