Always on the road

on 03 Feb, 2022
Hits: 917

Colombia, 02/03/2022, Sr. Gloria Patricia Corredor Mendoza, President of CONACED.- Being part of the Ecclesial Assembly for Latin America and the Caribbean Islands, as delegate from the Religious Conference of Colombia (CRC) and responsible as President of the Catholic Schools in Colombia (CONACED), aware of the difficult and uncertain times in which we live when the education and the views of many suffers, with the worst crisis where many gaps, problems and delays are revealed; this meeting was an opportunity to look again at education from the point of view of the Church, that is our common mission of education.

 Sr. Gloria Patricia CorredorSr. Gloria Patricia CorredorAll change requires an educational process aimed at developing a new universal solidarity and a more welcoming society”. (Pope Francis, Message for the launch of the global compact on education, 2019)

According to what was suggested by the Second Vatican Council and the expressions of the document issued for community discernment developed at the First Ecclesial Assembly for Latin America and the Caribbean Islands as Commitment for a transforming and integral Christian education is the background scenario to approach the cultural heritage of thought and the Spirit. This platform has a decisive importance in the life of a human being and his/her social progress, as a possibility to cultivate the truth in charity.

In this sense, the Church as well as the Congregation must continue to promote and be attentive to the quality of education which should become integral, able to provide academic possiblities to allow the students to touch the main sources of thought and science that have created the human being. It is vital that youth are able to enrich their own formation both in a regular and systematic way promoting different ways of learning, mainly learning how to learn. We need then to be attentive and promote the quality of education as our first and constant task at all levels: pre-school, basic and middle school, technological and University levels in all contexts of a city, rural and public areas.

It is important to look at education as a living system that generates critical thinking, enables transformation of life and society itself as Pope Francis stated: “May we be sustained by the conviction that education bears within itself a seed of hope: the hope of peace and justice; the hope of beauty and goodness; the hope of social harmony”. (October, 2020).

There are many challenges to which we must respond in order to continue leading the sector of education. Thus, within the global Education Agreement mentions three main challenges: place the total person at the center of the education processes; use all the means and energies to offer quality education; acknowledge the purpose and value of education: learn how to serve in order to live together.

Moreover, we must implement pastoral action at all education fields committed to a dialogue between faith-science- technology in favor of an integral ecology which begins with a collective discernment over the present reality, giving way to creative, appropriate and realistic initiatives according to specific contexts. We cannot lose our direction because “Christian vision, makes the school "Catholic"; principles of the Gospel in this manner become the educational norms since the school then has them as its internal motivation and final goal.” (Congregation for Catholic Education.1977, 34). Within this perspective, the Church is called to encourage integral education inspired by the Gospel values, accompanied by a process of education that promotes the value of love for one’s neighbor, the first indispensable step to promote fraternity, as Pope Francis reminds us in Fratelli tutti (2020).

At the same time, the Church can promote an integral education inspired by the Gospel values when:

• Its teaching is directed to the defense of life, freedom, participation and freedom of speech,
• It accepts differences and solidarity with the more vulnerable.
• Promotes freedom of education because schools are open to all those who desire to join its initiatives.
• Defends the family as the basic center of the society.
• Integrates itself within the social development without losing identity, and participates in a globalized and pluralistic world. (Principles of CONOCED, p. 9)

On the other hand, it is an education inspired by the evangelical principles when it promotes openness to the world, relations with everyone, mutual respect and value of differences; thus allowing to go beyond divisions in all spheres, religious, political or social, preventing at the same time discrimination and violence.

Finally, the Church must encourage an education inspired by the values of the Gospel, as far as its methods are shaped by pedagogical principles that allow reflection, debate oriented communication, exchange of opinions, expression of feelings and agreements.

Therefore, I encourage each and every School of the Congregation to continue with enthusiasm and interest by the great impact of our work to continue to be a seed of the Gospel and sow the Kingdom in the midst of the educational community, giving example of a true synodality walking together in this great mission.


• Congregation for the Catholic Education. The Catholic School, March 19,1997.
• CONACED. Ideas for Education, 2007.
• Pope Francis. Message of Pope Francis on the publication of the Global Accord on Education, 2019
• Pope Francis. “Global Compact on Education. Together to look beyond” October 15, 2020 at the Pontifical Lateran University.
• Pope Francis, Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, 2020