Religious Profession in Bogota

on 01 Mar, 2022
Hits: 1358

Bogotá D. C. (Colombia), 03/01/2022, Sr. Nubia Yaneth Chávez.- The Province of Bogota rejoices with the Religious Profession of the novice Doris Adriana Rojas Socha, who absolutely said Yes to the Lord in our Congregation, last February 13, 2022.

"Blessed is the one who has put his trust in the Lord" (Psalm 31)

The Eucharist was presided by Father Jesús Alfonso Fuente Mora, of the Congregation of the Passion of Lord, who, taking the Gospel of the day, motivated the attendees to be happy and blessed for choosing the path of the Lord. It was a sober and fervent celebration in the provisional chapel of the Central House, where Sister Pastora Marín Vásquez, Provincial Superior, received the profession of our dear Sister Doris Adriana, whom we welcome and commit ourselves as Sisters to motivate her with our testimony of life in the mission of "Announcing Jesus Christ and his mysteries".