Aconcagua: Celebration of God's fidelity to us

on 30 Mar, 2022
Hits: 1327

Putaendo (Chile), 03/29/2022, Media– Vice-provincia of Aconcagua.- On Sunday 27 March 2022, as Vice-province of Aconcagua, in the parish of San Antonio de Padua in Putaendo (Chile), we celebrated the Perpetual Vows of Sr. Berta Marinela Tapia Cena, who with the motto "My Grace is enough for you! Strength is realized in weakness..." renews her commitment of fidelity to the Lord, according to the charism of Marie Poussepin.

With the joy of having among us Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General, who publicly confirmed to her that from today she is definitively part of our Congregation, inviting her to carry out the mission that the Church entrusts to her..... Sisters Martha Mendieta Aztatzi and Ana Patricia Londoño, General Councillors were also there. Everything was lived in an atmosphere of joy, simplicity and fraternity. We also celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Sr. Carmen Rosa Murcia Gualteros and the Diamond Jubilee of Sr. Carmen Leonor Cortés Cortés and Sr. Margarita María Pulido Rodríguez. A day full of the Lord's love to each one of us.

Finally, we had a sharing in the Community of the elderly Sisters of Putaendo, where the family, some friends and the sisters of all the communities of the structure were able to celebrate around the the JOY OF RELIGIOUS VOCATION, a celebration of God's faithfulness to us.