Canonical Visite of the General Government to the Vice-Province of Aconcagua

on 22 Apr, 2022
Hits: 1279

Chile, 22/04/2022, Sr. Gabriela Vergara Ríos.- The experience of the canonical visitation of the General Government, from March 13 to 31, 2022, in the person of Sr. María Escayola Coris, Superior General, Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez and Sr. Martha Mendieta Aztatzi, General Councilors, to our Vice-Province of Aconcagua, has been that manifestation of the "favorable time" that Paul speaks to the Corinthians.

"Behold, now is “A FAVORABLE TIME,” of God" (cf. 2 Co 6:2)

It was a favorable time for sharing in simplicity what we are, our dreams, the challenges that this new reality of the country presents to us, our hopes and above all what God is accomplishing in each of the sisters in the different missionary experiences.

It was a favorable time for attentive listening to the message that our sisters shared with us, inviting us to continue with missionary ardor the work of the restructuring process, which starts from the personal to reach what both the Lord and the reality invites us to review to live more in accordance with His Will.

It was a favorable time for dialogue and active listening, discovering together the challenges that lie ahead, to be truly communities that make a synodal journey in the midst of the communities we accompany and with whom we live our charism of the Presentation.

A favorable time to celebrate the faithfulness of God who continues to walk by our side, encouraging our discipleship, in the celebration of perpetual profession of sister Berta Marianela Tapia Cena, the golden jubilee of Sr. Carmen Rosa Murcia Gualteros and the 60th anniversary of religious profession of Sr. Margarita Pulido Rodríguez and Sr. Carmen Leonor Cortés Cortés.

Our thanksgiving to the Lord rises together with the psalmist to say "The LORD has done great things for us; We are joyful." (Psalm 125,3) because this experience of Congregation, encourages and strengthens us to continue responding to the call of God and the Church to be a presence that accompanies, that walks together with our brothers and sisters in this portion of the Congregation.