Aspirants in Panama

on 04 May, 2022
Hits: 1152

Curundú (Panama), 05/03/2022, Sr. Berta Atencio.- With immense emotion we want to share with you the joy we feel as Region of Panama for the beginning of the aspirancy of two young ladies in our community of Curundú (Panama); Hilaria Montezuma Gonzalez and Ramira Santo Gonzalez, under the responsibility of Sr. Berta Elisa Atencio Andrade, also a Panamanian sister.

Last year, at the beginning of March, two more young ladies, Aracely Batista and Rosa Pardo Rodríguez, had already entered the aspirancy, but in Medellín, and today they are postulants. All this is the fruit of the process of accompaniment and discernment carried out in the Vocations Ministry in the different provinces where we sisters are present in the country. For us, the entry of these young women in their own country opens up a path of hope and commitment to our own culture and motivates us even more to strengthen our missionary presence according to the charism of Marie Poussepin.