Visit of Sr. Joanna Fernandes to the Catholic University of Manizales

on 10 May, 2022
Hits: 1441

Manizales (Colombia), 05/10/2022, SMC Catholic University of Manizales.- Compartimos las impresiones de Sr. Joanna Fernandes, ecónoma general de la Congregación, quien visitó la Universidad Católica de Manizales, el miércoles 4 de mayo de 2022.

Sr. Joanna made a visit to different institutions of the Congregation in Colombia, where she seeks to follow up on the activities that they are carried out where there is a presence of the Sisters, know their financial statements, greet, and provide support to the sisters of each province. The impressions of Sr. Joanna, during her visit to the Catholic University of Manizales, were of happiness and gratitude, finding an Institution strengthened in its offer academic, with new physical infrastructure that provides comfort and facilities for learning, just as she also expressed her joy at being able to talk with teachers and students, with whom she evidenced that the work carried out by the Congregation in the UCM fulfills the legacy of Marie Poussepin, by being able to evangelize the greatest number of people possible through education. Sr. Elizabeth Caicedo, rector of the UCM, attended the visit and Sr. Amanda Tangarife, administrative and financial vice-rector, and their respective teams of worked.