Blessing of the House of Formation in Tegucigalpa

on 28 Mar, 2016
Hits: 5304

Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 03/13/2016.- The community in Guaimaca, Honduras has had an extension in Tegucigalpa for the past two years, during this time we have been in a couple of rented houses. Now, thanks to the effort of the Vice Province of USA, we have our own house in Las Casitas, where some of us have been ministering during these years. We have two novices, Andrea López from Guaimaca, and Sindi Bardales from Las Casitas who made their postulancy in a small rented house in Tegucigalpa.

The new house was blessed on March 12, 2016 by Fr. Ricardo Alvarado, the priest in Las Casitas and Fr. Mark Cregan, a friend and benefactor of the Vice Province and of the mission in Honduras. Ten sisters participated in the first Eucharist celebrated there: Sr. Vimala Vadakupadan, our Vice Provincial, Sr. Marie William Lapointe, treasurer of the Vice Province, Sr. Lorna Riordan and Sr. Marina Carrascal, and the six members of the community present in Honduras.

This new step in the life of the Vice Province and of our mission of Honduras, is for all of us a moment of great hope, joy and trust in future Honduran vocations, for the Charism of Marie Poussepin to grow in Honduras.

Photo Album - Tegucigalpa
