Manizales: Conference of Major Superiors from Colombia

on 10 Oct, 2022
Hits: 1209

Manizales (Colombia), 10/10/2022, Sr. Gloria del Carmen Torres B., Manizales sectional president.- The Conference of Major Superiors from Colombia is an organization created to strengthen the fraternal communion of the Religious among themselves, with the Bishops, Priests, Agents of Pastoral and the whole people of God in order that the unity of all those who believe in Christ would be a clear and efficacious sign in the work of evangelization.

We can say the Colombian Religious by associating ourselves to the CRC (Colombian Conference of Religious), we want to join our efforts for the spirit of fraternity and communion, essential to the church and fundamental for the Religious Life, would remain alive, grow and produce fruits. The CRC is organized by sectors and Manizales is one of them with 29 feminine Religious Congregations and 54 women’s Communities and 13 men’s Communities. There is a Junta of five regions who animate and organize the different activities for each year.
Once a month we organize a half a day retreat and twice a year a full day in our houses who are very welcoming.

Several commissions have been organized for animation and evangelization on the country sides: Pastral of vocations, formation, Justice, Peace and integrity of Creation (JPIC) and Mission. We are trying to walk in sinodality taking advantage of the spaces and realizations done by certain communities in the field of JICP with vulnerable groups of women, recycling personnel, street sellers, children and homeless persons. We also try to reach the needy places and help other congregations with youth and lay persons. In the field of formation we organize workshops for those in formation, rich opportunity for meeting, mutual knowledge and exchange of experiences.

In the Pastoral of Vocations we work at the level of the Arch-Diocese. There we have offered vocation weeks with visual programs, visit to different Schools and a few meetings. In 2021 we gave a house to a family living in extreme poverty. With the economic help and/or material from the organization, family members and friends we were able to build and offer a house for the humanization of a family. The desire we have in this sector of CRC, is to strengthened the our work of sinodality in the Church in order to take advantage and strengthen the already walked paths and grow in inter-congregationally and as a Church as a witness to the evangelizing action of Religious Life.

We entrust to the Lord, to Our Mother Mary, to Saint Joseph and to our Foundress, the fidelity to the search of the answer we are called to give in the reality of the Church, Religious Life and the world today.

Casa SandraCasa Sandra

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