All Saints celebration

on 08 Nov, 2022
Hits: 1154

Alto Obrajes, La Paz (Bolivia), 10/31/2022, María Reneé Peredo.- On October 31, we celebrate “All Saints” in our parish “Jesús Divino Maestro” in the Alto Obrajes area, attended by children representing saints, and Bible people. The objective of the celebration was to make known the lives of some saints, to hear about what holiness is and to know the joy of following Jesus.

This year we had the joy of representing Marie Poussepin. We talked about her life and we highlight her Charisma: "CHARITY", we mention events where she gives herself totally at the service of others with unconditional love.

What most caught the children's attention was that she had a stockings factory, it means, she was a businesswoman, and in everything she did, she always looked for the way to help and make the Lord known. Thanks to her example of life, the children learned that they can become Saints too by living the gift of CHARITY, “helping others with love”.

My name is María Reneé Peredo and I had the pleasure of representing Marie Poussepin. Every time I spoke to the children about this great woman, I saw their admiration also in their parents who accompanied them, they were grateful, because they also learned and saw how their children assimilated good things. I would have liked to share more about her, but for reasons of time I could not. I appreciate having performed this service and knowing more about Marie Poussepin.