Human trafficking for sexual exploitation, the cry of the poor

on 10 Dec, 2022
Hits: 1013

Alto Obrajes, La Paz (Bolivia), 10/12/2022, Sr. Socorro García.- The group of JUSTICE, PEACE AND INTEGRITY OF CREATION: "SHEMA", integrated by the structures of Guadalupe, Aconcagua, USA and the Andes; They held a virtual workshop on Saturday, December 3, 2022. This workshop was guided by Sister María Guadalupe García Vargas of the Province of Guadalupe.

The objective of the workshop: "To raise awareness of the problem of human trafficking for sexual exploitation so that in fidelity to the Charism of Marie Poussepin we listen to the cry of the poor and seek to respond from our reality and possibilities.” Enlightened by the Word of John 11, 25-44, we allowed it to help us discover the bandages that cover our ears and our eyes in the face of the problem of human trafficking and facing the pain of the oppressed. Spontaneously everybody shared and testified to how much or little we know of this harsh reality. With this workshop, a path was opened that we are invited to journey together with the laity. A great challenge to which we must give new answers. The number of participants was between 40 to 50 people and the countries from where they connected were: Mexico, El Salvador, Chile, Colombia, United States, Bolivia, Peru..