Psychopedagogical-Speech Therapy Center for disadvantaged children inaugurated in Romania

on 01 Feb, 2023
Hits: 799

Casa Santa Ana-Șcheia (Romania), 02/01/2023, Sr. Victoria Balteanu.- In Șcheia, a town of Alexandru I. Cuza, in the diocese of Iasi in Romania, a Psychopedagogical-Speech Therapy Center for underprivileged children has been inaugurated. This center is in a completely renovated house, called “Casa Santa Ana”. This work has been possible thanks to the collaboration and help of many people and especially the members of the Adara Association, which was created to help children with difficulties in learning. The house was blessed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Iasi, Msgr. Iósif Paulet, on January 25, 2023.

To attend this event, from January 22 to 26, we had the joy of receiving the visit of our Superior General, Sr. Maria Escayola Coris and the General Treasurer Sr. Joanna Fernandes.

The Center is aimed at those who need psycho-pedagogical or logopedic services, especially for those who live in the area, since it is very difficult for parents to take their children to the city for treatment. This project was born from a wish of my parents, who in 2006 proposed that I receive the house as a donation for the Congregation, so that the sisters could live in this place and make it available to those in need.

In the region, many people live in difficult situations, which they cannot solve alone and to whom it is important to provide help. Upon discovering the needs of the families, I spoke about it with the sisters of the community and with the sisters with whom I share the mission in an inter- congregational experience and with some people who are very sensitive to this problem. Little by little the project crystallizes, and the family home, in which nine children lived, has become a psycho-pedagogical center and a place for children with special needs.

At the beginning, many of the construction materials were borrowed, and gradually people with great hearts helped through donations, so that this project could be completed in line with the charism of Marie Poussepin. With the board members of the Adara Association, we decided that all the children of the municipality of Alexandru. I. Cuza/ Scheia will benefit from the center's services free of charge, and those from neighboring towns will have a reduced rate.

A child with harmonious development is a sociable and self-confident child. People with language disorders experience difficulties relating to those around them, are marginalized or are victims of bullying. Most parents cannot afford to pay for sessions at a private institution.

We thank each person who, with thought, gesture, work, known or unknown, has made this project grow and will continue to grow to improve the place where we are. Every man can give what he has in his heart. With exaggerated or justified optimism, the time will come when we will have a glimpse of heaven: accomplices in a story between us and God.

We thank the Lord for the benefactors of this place, my parents and all the people who had faith to achieve this construction that we started on May 30, 2022 and ended on December 23, 2022, to fulfill our mission, following the example of Marie Poussepin and Saint Dominic: praise, bless and preach God, today and always in Romania.