Canonical visit of the general government to the Middle East (Baghdad)

on 27 Sep, 2023
Hits: 913

Bagdad (Iraq), 09/27/2023, Sr. María Ángeles Flores.- The dear sisters María Escayola and Ana Patricia arrived at the Baghdad airport, accompanied by Sr. Bernadette Youssef, Vice-Provincial Superior, on September 20 at 8:30 pm, coming from Amman Jordan. Sr. Thérèse Hélène was waiting for them, full of affection. Upon arriving at the Vice-Provincial house, the sisters from the communities of Sainville and Christ Roi (accompanied by the girls from Casa Famiglia) welcomed them with applause, music and the traditional Arab shout.

The two communities of Baghdad, and their apostolic places: San Rafael Hospital, Dominican Sisters of the Presentation School and Casa Famiglia, will be visited between September 21 and 25.

Thank you Sisters for joining us with your prayer.