Beginning of the Synod of Synodality

on 05 Oct, 2023
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Roma (Italy), 10/05/2023, Sr. Rosmery Castañeda, member of the Synod.- “In the sound of a gentle breeze.” (1Ki 19:12), in a “sound thread of silence”.

Thus we have begun the preparation for this Synod of Synodality. Pope Francis has invited us to enter into silence and an ecumenical atmosphere of prayer, in St. Peter's Square, we invoke the Holy Spirit, the same one who has brought us from the different nations of the world, from the different races and languages. With hymns, songs, and proclamation of the Word, enter into discernment, through attentive listening to the “ineffable groans” (Rm8,26) of the Spirit that resonate, often hidden, in the People of God.”

On the afternoon of September 30, all of us who are “members of the synod of bishops” went to the Fraterna Domus retreat house. And on days 1.2.3. accompanied by Brother Timothy Radcliffe, o.p. who led us in spiritual richness and depth to live in Hope this synodal path that must be “Joyful Celebration of Faith” and grows as we advance with Jesus who is the Beginning and Source of this synodal path.

Brother Timothy spoke to us about having “been chosen” in these moments that the Church lives, called to be a HOME FOR ALL, as it listens to the cries of a world that cries out for peace and of men and women who need to be embraced by God who is a friend of “broken” friends like the Samaritan woman, the adulterous woman, Zacchaeus, etc. His conferences led us to the silence that favored contemplation to enjoy the afternoon in small circles of “Spiritual Conversation” in active listening to what impacted us most about the Preacher, which favored the internalization of each conference (method chosen by this Synod).

The presence of Mother María Angelina, Contemplative Religious of the Order of Saint Benedict, has been a great contribution in the Lauds liturgy and in the Eucharist at the end of the day... She took the psalms, the Benedictus, and the Magnificat as “The “synodal” journey of our communities of faith.

Sr. Rosmery with Cardinal Omella, Barcelona (Spain)Sr. Rosmery with Cardinal Omella, Barcelona (Spain) 

   With Fr. TimothyWith Fr. Timothy

With Fr. CarlosWith Fr. Carlos