Canonical visit of the general government to the Middle East (Erbil-Basrah)

on 04 Oct, 2023
Hits: 865

Bagdad (Iraq), 10/04/2023, Sr. María Ángeles Flores.- The canonical visit to the Vice-Province of the Middle East continues: from September 25 to October 3, sisters María Escayola and Ana Patricia Londoño, accompanied by Sr. Bernadette Youssef, made another stage of the visit.

First, they headed to Erbil, northern Iraq; They went to greet the Patriarch of the Christians of the Chaldean rite, Mons. Louis Raphael Sako, and express fraternal solidarity with him in the face of the complicated and dangerous situation that he has recently had to face. Later they arrived at the University Home where they were received by the characteristic joy of Sr. María Sultana. To visit the mission of Basrah, the Sisters traveled from the north to the south of Iraq, in that coastal city they were received with open arms by sisters Suzanne de l'Immaculée et Nahida Youssef.