Five New Novices in Africa

on 26 Aug, 2024
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Dassasgho (Burkina Faso), 26/08/2024, Vice Province of Africa.- On August 24, 2024, the Vice Province of Africa welcomed five new novices during a Mass presided over by Father Laurent, the Camillian novice master, in our chapel at Dassasgho.

Angèle Doamba, Brigitte Wendinda Tiendrebeogo, Clarisse Baowendsom Ouédraogo, Martine Aminata Ouédraogo, and Prudence Rémadji Tirmadjingar entered the novitiate.Surrounded by the sisters of the four communities of Dassasgho in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, these young women expressed to the Vice Provincial Prioress, Sister Évelyne Ouédraogo, their desire to continue their vocational journey in the footsteps of Marie Poussepin and Saint Dominic, after two years in the postulancy where they appreciated the charism of Marie Poussepin and the spirit of Saint Dominic: the life of prayer, fraternal community life, simplicity...

On this very day, August 24, 2024, they begin the canonical year, which will end on August 23, 2025. May the Lord strengthen our novices in their desire to dedicate their lives to the proclamation of the Good News. May Marie Poussepin and Saint Dominic pray for them so that the Lord may complete in them what He has begun.