Dominican Charity Day Care celebrates 25 years

on 06 Nov, 2024
Hits: 216

Bucheon (South Korea), 10/12/2024, Suman Gabriel Kujur.- “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). This verse from Scripture could well have guided our sisters in beginning the mission in South Korea. On October 12, 2024, we celebrated a day of gratitude to honor 25 years of service by our Dominican Charity Day Care and to mark the Feast of Blessed Marie Poussepin.

This special day brought together religious brothers and sisters, benefactors, former students, and teachers who have served our institution over the years. The bright, sunny weather and warmth of the day set a joyful tone, and many of our graduates and their families joined us in this celebration of thanksgiving. Their presence filled us with gratitude and joy.

The day began with a Thanksgiving Eucharist, presided over by Fr. Domingo OP, with five additional priests from the Incheon Diocese and other religious congregations as co-celebrants. After the Mass, our children delighted everyone with a colorful cultural performance, creating a truly angelic atmosphere. This was followed by a joyful fellowship meal, where all present enjoyed the spirit of community and fraternity.

On this day, we especially remember the faithfulness of the Lord and the dedication, hard work, and courage of our pioneering sisters: Sr. Graciela Salazar Arango (Manizales, Colombia), Sr. Marta Luz Arango (Medellín, Colombia), and Sr. Celine Parakadath (India). With the generous support of friends, they founded the Dominican Charity Day Care on March 5, 1999, beginning with only 15 children and four teachers. Since then, this mission has flourished, and we now serve 74 children each year. The number of children fluctuates annually, but our commitment remains constant.

Sr. Celine Parakadath, one of the founding members, now serves as the Directress, working alongside 15 dedicated women staff members who contribute faithfully to our mission. We are deeply grateful to Sr. Celine Parakadath for her 25 years of service, marked by love and dedication. Sr. Selma Minj also serves as a teacher in the Day Care, bringing warmth and expertise to her role. The parents have expressed great satisfaction and trust in our institution, sharing their joy and confidence in entrusting their children to our care.

Our Charity Day Care offers programs in organic food awareness, leadership, science, sports, music, English, drumming, ballet, and various other activities that reflect the needs and interests of today’s world. Our interactions with the children, their parents, and our staff allow us to share our faith experiences, enriching their lives and helping them grow spiritually as well.

We pray that through the intercession of St. Dominic and Blessed Marie Poussepin, our mission continues to grow, bearing much fruit in faith and service.