El Caribe: First Religious Profession of Sr. Mayleana

on 15 Dec, 2016
Hits: 3818

Zulia (Venezuela), 12/08/2016, Srs. from El Caribe.-During the preparation for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of Sierra Maestra Parish at Zulia, Venezuela, on this December 8th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, the Province of El Caribe celebrated with joy and gratitude the First Religious Profession of Sister Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero.

Sister Mayleana and her family belong to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish and she did her Elementary School studies in our Marie Poussepin School at Sierra Maestra.

We are very grateful to our Lord for this new vocation and we pray daily for her perseverance and faithfulness to His holy will.  

 Profesión Hna. Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero (1)Profesión Hna. Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero (1)

 Profesión Hna. Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero (2)Profesión Hna. Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero (2)

 Profesión Hna. Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero (3)Profesión Hna. Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero (3)

 Profesión Hna. Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero (4)Profesión Hna. Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero (4)