Aconcagua: 1st Meeting for formation in Media

on 05 Feb, 2017
Hits: 3928

Putaendo (Chile), 01/28/2017, Sr. Gabriela Vergara.- We, the sisters of the Delegation of Aconcagua (Chile and Argentina) met together in the Community of Putaendo, Chile, from January 25 to 27 for our first meeting for formation in MSC, which was organized by the team for the Means.

The meeting took place in an ambience of fraternity, interest, and simplicity. The objective of this meeting was: to share on the Project of MSC of the Congregation and the work done during the First meeting of the Delegates from Latin America and El Caribe and to search together the ways to implement it in the structure. The meeting was focused on two main themes: 1) Sharing on the elements of the Project and the experiences of the Meeting of the Delegates 2) The formation workshop to use the Means of Communications, for eg. the use of Word, Power Point, Publisher, Social networks. At the end of the meeting, we could make some concrete proposals to implement the MSC in the Delegation: To participate actively in preaching through the Blog of the Missionaries of the Presentation, to create a Facebook for the Delegation and to make use of WhatsApp adequately as an instrument for communication between the sisters and the secretariat..

Aconcagua: I Encuentro de formación en MCS Aconcagua: I Encuentro de formación en MCS