Solidarity takes roots in Haiti

on 11 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3144
Port-au-Prince (Haiti), 04/11/17, Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez and team of the Marie Poussepin Pediatric Center.- How not to recognize that solidarity is taking root in Haiti? This was the question we asked ourselves on April 7, 2017, the sisters and volunteers who worked at the Marie Poussepin Pediatric Center (CPMP) in Port-au-Prince (Haiti), once the recreation activity and control of weight and height to the 12 children summoned.
These belonged to the Nutrition Program and thanks to the generosity of some people, today are part of the "Godfather" program. The laughter and even the tears, the games, the lively colors of the drawings, the spontaneity of the children and the serene smile of their mothers were the evidence of a present that is lived with more tranquility and a future that they expect less uncertain.
Programa de Nutrición en HaitíPrograma de Nutrición en Haití
Faced with the recurring health problems of Haitian children associated with malnutrition, the MPPC created the Nutrition Program, which seeks nutritional recovery through the provision of a food supplement. Once children reach weight and anthropometric measures appropriate to their age, they must leave the program to give way to other malnourished children. However, knowing the poverty situation of our children and their families, we know that a few months later, they will fall into the initial situation. For this reason, the MPPC has launched a call for solidarity, seeking sponsors who, through an economic contribution ensure the monthly distribution of a complete food package for their "godson" and enable their schooling.
Currently we have two Spanish sponsors, one Belgian and five French, who sponsor twelve children, with very positive results, since none of them has had to be re-entered to the nutrition program. In addition, one of the children is already in school and the others will begin next September in the nursery school that the Province of Medellín is building on the grounds of the Marie Poussepin Missionary Center, which includes the MPCP.
The gesture of solidarity of some people can transform the lives of these children and their families, but it can also affect the future of a country. Haiti and its children need help. Providence has led us here to enable solidarity to take root and to create conditions that are more just for all. That is the basis of our MISSIONARY CREED.