Seminar in Chile: Big challenge of communication

on 18 May, 2017
Hits: 3514

Santiago (Chile), 04/27/2017, Sr. Gabriela Vergara.- On April 24th and 25th at the Extension Center of the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago, the IV Seminar on Church Communication was held, whose motto was "Communication in order to build a culture of Encounter". The seminar was prepared by the Episcopal Conference, along with the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. It had Speakers specialized in the area of Social Communication and Journalism. They contributed, in a very experiential way, with their visions and specialties to the achievement of the objectives proposed by this formation committee.

The methodology used in the Seminar was based on talks given by exhibitors. Then, discussion panels in which other specialists participated in the themes. They allowed to the public the possibility to react through directed questions or reflections. It was attended by about 300 people; most of them were pastoral promoters and people in charge of communications area. The inaugural conference was given by Bishop Dario Edoardo Viganó, prefect of the Secretariat for Communication of the Holy See. He gave a talk with the title "Witnesses of Christ in a digital world". This theme motivated the participants in relation to the challenges that this new digital era presents us. It immerses us in new languages, paradigms, cultures, which must be taken into account for the evangelization in this new digital context. Sr. Gabriela Vergara Ríos, member of the MCS Team of the Aconcagua Delegation, had the opportunity to participate in this Seminar, a training space that will enrich without any doubt her service in this field of communications.

Seminar in ChileSeminar in Chile