Two books of Sr. Veronique Margron

on 21 May, 2017
Hits: 3245

Paris (France), 05/20/2017, Redaction.- Two books of Sr. Veronique Margron have just come out: Fidélité-infidélité, question vive and La Parole est tout près de ton cœur.

Fidélité-infidélité, question vive, Cerf

To remain attached when indifference gets settled – can it be considered as fidelity? To be detached when differences arise - can it be considered as infidelity? What does it mean today by: promise to oneself, commitment to the other, trust mutually bestowed? Faced with great confusions due to: changing desire, passing of time, the word given and forgotten, it is urgent that we discover what it means to be faithful. Here, Sr. Veronique explains three essential aspects of fidelity, which plays an orchestra in the heart of every being, the quest for freedom, justice and peace.

La Parole est tout près de ton cœur, Bayard

Sr. Véronique Margron writes meditations on the Sunday gospel. In the first volume appeared in 2007, « Libre traversée de l’Évangile », she had published the meditations from 2001 - 2005. She continues her meditations in this second volume and this is the chance to read the sequence.