Los Andes: During the Jubilee of the First Woman Saint from America (2)

on 04 Jul, 2017
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Lima (Peru), 07/01/2017, Sr. Ofelia Quispe Huallpara, Provincial Superior of Los Andes.- Saint Rose of Lima continues walking paths of faith. As we are celebrating 400 years of Saint Rose of Lima’s death, her relics travel across different places of Peru as an example of a DOMINICAN LAY WOMAN.

Saint Rose of Lima at Saint Toribio Seminary
June 29, 2017

With a solemn concelebrated Eucharist, in which we participated, Dominicans Sisters of the Presentation and some Dominican laywomen, the Saint Toribio Seminary, first in America, honored the memory of Saint Rose of Lima. After that, her relics returned to our house. At night, the parish will pay homage.
Rose of Saint Mary at the Parish of Heart of Mary
June 30, 2017
We have gathered today to venerate the relics of this Peruvian saint. Contemplating a small part of her body in a small urn, it reminds us that our human frailty has been assumed in the Incarnation. Also, by recognizing the goodness of her life, we recognize the holiness of God.

Tonight our parish "Heart of Mary" has received her as special grace and we recognized in Rosa a brave, humble and charitable woman who knew how to be LIGHT in a historical moment of Lima, the city of that time. She challenges us today to walk paths of love, proclaiming and living the Gospel.

Rose of Saint Mary continues her pilgrimage
July 1, 2017

This morning, with a Eucharist presided by Fr. Juan de Dios Rojas, from the diocesan clergy and Fr. Pacífico, Conventual Franciscan friar, and the presence of religious from other Congregations, we thanked the Lord for these days of intense prayer and for the environment which called us to deepen in spirituality.
During the Mass, along with our prayer for the Church, the Dominican Family, the Congregation, the vocations and needs of the world, we placed on the altar the health situation of many of our sisters. In Peru, Rose of Lima is the patroness of the nurses. August 30 is their feast.

On August 17 and 18, the community of our elderly sisters, in Chaclacayo will receive the relics, and the parish school of Callao on August 28.

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