“Beyond our walls”

on 19 Jul, 2017
Hits: 3401

Lima (Peru), 7/07/2017, Srs. Community of Año Nuevo.- As we celebrated the Teacher’s day in Peru on July 6th, we made the following reflection which we are going to share with you today: For the Education Community of “Fe y Alegría 10”, (faith and joy 10) the interaction between the school and the people around is very important to offer an education with quality.

We would like to share with you a little about our daily Schedule as teachers of this Educational Institution situated in Cono Norte, district of Comas, in the region of Collique which is considered as one of the more popular and populated areas in the North of Lima. The Congregation has been assuming the task of bringing forward the mission and administration of the School since 1981. This has been a source of joy and satisfaction for the Province of Los Andes as it is very much in accord with the Charism of Marie Poussepin, who looked for ways to promote the children and youth from the poor areas in her time, as it was the situation in Sainville and the places around.

Thus in our daily contact with the students, we listen to witnesses like the one that we share below: A student tells us (a deep inner cry): “my sister and I, we are happy within the doors of the School, we forget the pains and sufferings...which we experience outside.”

Because of this, all of us in the Education Community analyze the reality of our students and commit ourselves to start from there all our Projects and organizations for the educational activities of the center. “Fe y Alegría 10” highlighted the importance of the situation of Collique and Comas as decisive factors in our Education. We constantly look for an educational activity in relation to the Community for the purpose of a transformation and we make use of the basic elements around us that can help us to arrive at the above mentioned action.