Rosa de Santa María (St. Rose of Lima) continues her pilgrimage. Commemorating the 400 years Jubilee of her death

on 24 Aug, 2017
Hits: 3435

Lima (Perú), 08/20/2017, Elsa Neyra Muñoz, Dominican of the Presentation laic.- The turn is ours now! It was four o´clock on the afternoon of Thursday, August 17th when the relics of St. Rose of Lima, on pilgrimage during several months through different parts of the country, arrived at Mére Saint Pierre´s house (Lima), a place that hosts and gathers the elderly sisters of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation in Perú.

The chapel was filled. The neighbors packed the space: religious, laics, and among these, a very special group. The children of Saint Francis of Assis's Home, children with severe handicaps and great hope in their hearts. God is so delicate with the children, that He allowed them to have to opportunity to be hosted at House Mère Saint Pierre.

The chapel was filled. The neighbors packed the space: religious, laics, and among these, a very special group. The children of Saint Francis of Assis's Home, children with severe handicaps and great hope in their hearts. God is so delicate with the children, that He allowed them to have to opportunity to be hosted at House Mère Saint Pierre. Sometimes it is necessary to let our soul grieve before our brothers who suffer, it is imperative to look at him with tenderness, even though when their malformations despair or displease us. It was amazing watching the children as they contemplated the relics of our Saint of Lima. Their faith was evident... the expectation of being taking care of healed their suffering bodies. The older ones seemed to ask to be better-taken care of ... to be heard... NOT TO BE REJECTED. The parents who came in forward with their children reflected the confidence of one who knows that teachings remain.

From Mère Saint Pierre´s House, the relics were taken to other Dominican communities; there are five in the area. After the honors to the relics were rendered in each place, Rose was taken to the Parish, which received numerous believers and allowed the police to express in many ways their pride and gratefulness for having her as their patroness. Saint Rose truly loved; it was her unique way of living a plentiful life, and I believe that is what people experience at her path.

On August 22, the Fe y Alegría School 10, where Collique´s community displays her mission will receive the relics and the 25, the Santa Cruz College, directed by the community of El Callao.

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