Interview: Hna. Luzma Gutiérrez, in charge of a magnificent farm in Bucaramanga

on 13 Dec, 2017
Hits: 2897

Bucaramanga (Colombia), 12/13/2017, Srs. Gemma Morató y Conchi García.- Our Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of Our Lady is present in 36 countries. So the Charism of Marie Poussepin has taken root in many places and is loved by many different persons.

The diversity of the Charism brings us today to La Turena, a magnificent farm, where a big group of our Sisters is living. In addition, there is a praiseworthy farm renowned for solidarity and ecology. Let us interview Sr. Luzma Gutiérrez, the person in charge of the running of this magnificent farm, a real woman of the countryside, a daughter of Marie Poussepin.

Video: Interview to Hna. Luzma Gutiérrez