From Manizales, to Marie Poussepin

on 11 May, 2020
Hits: 2279

Manizales (Colombia), 05/11/2020, Team Year of Grace.- “Let the little children come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of God belongs to people like these. I tell all of you with certainty, whoever doesn’t receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never get into it at all.” Luke 18, 16 -17. In the videos that you will find attached, some children from the School of the Presentation in Cartago - Valle, Province of Manizales, wanted to share what they know about Marie Poussepin, highlighting what interested them about her life of holiness.

This performance was made possible thanks to the participation of the teachers and parents. Also from the Province of Manizales, Sr. Jessica Alejandra Álvarez, wanted to share on this occasion, a poem and a video that accompanies it, with images produced by herself.

Students of 1st Elementary - Colegio La Presentación - Cartago


Teacher: Janny Johanna Figueroa López. The participants of the first grade were: Mariana Aguilera Pulgarin. Emanuel Cano Gómez. Juan Felipe Cardona Ramírez. Martin Correa Quintero. Nicolás Críales Gómez. Juana Miguel Díaz González. María Camila Duarte Betancur. María Antonia Duque Lasoo. Thomas Flores Velásquez. Juliana Gutiérrez Sánchez. Luciana Jaramillo Osorio. Víctor Manuel López Ramírez. Julián Narváez Duarte. Juan Sebastián Oviedo Villareal. Mariana Rosero Cardona. Juan Sebastián Vélez Vargas.

Video-poem by Sr. Jessica Alejandra Álvarez

Marie Poussepin, her life is a work of art

I can talk about poetry if I do it from my passion, my passion is the art in poetry. Of course it is not the art of poetry, it is the art of a painter who takes my hand and translates the words into lines and colors. Art is what allows me to express myself graphically, while poetry is what generates that sensation of painting the invisible through words. Writing about my Mother Foundress is nothing more than taking my palette of inspired colours, painting her dreams like a rainbow, painting the fields of Sainville lit by fireflies that reflect the memory of a footprint that remains engraved deep in the earth. I want to paint a sweet, passionate and hopeful smile that will last over time. I want to paint the glow of her splendid, ecstatic and loving eyes. I want to paint her face with gestures of tenderness, mixed with tones of Charity that is why I ask the best painter to draw on each face of us, Sisters of the Presentation, the face of our Mother Marie Poussepin, with the smile of Charity and with eyes full of Hope and a heart burning with love for God-Providence.

Sr. Jessica Alvarez R.