From Bucaramanga: "Beatification is a gift that we must live and transmit in an attitude of fidelity and thanksgiving"

on 30 Jul, 2020
Hits: 1874

Bucaramanga (Colombia), 07/30/2020, Sr. Cecilia Remolina Vargas.- Beatification is the recognition by the Church of the heroic practice of the theological and cardinal virtues. It is a recognition that impels us to greater fidelity because the personal certainty of many becomes the certainty of the church, the revelation of God, and is offered as a path of spirituality.

The beatification is a time of grace for the Congregation and for the Church, it is the fruit that others have sown and that we have had to harvest, it is a call to personal conversion, to evaluate and revise the mission, it is a strong moment of synthesis of awareness, participation and responsibility. It keeps us in constant prayer and contemplation to live, according to the very nature of religious life.

The steps of preparation that are being taken in all the Provinces, Vice-Provinces and in the Mother House reaffirm our common will to make the celebration of the 25 years of the beatification correspond to the criteria and desires that we have all proposed: "to live this Grace" as Sister Inés Mercedes Mejía Toro reminds us in her words:

- Memory of the "marvels of God" in our history
- Spiritual, community and missionary experience
- A new encounter with the Lord in this "Gospel journey", which is what it means:

- An invitation to live fully the contemplative dimension of our apostolic vocation
- An interpellation to look at the "miseries of today's Sainville"
- A motivation for solidarity and communion in the Church as part of " people en movement”
- A new call for a new shipment, in universal opening in Encarnación's availability.

The beatification cannot be a point of arrival, it must become for us the great challenge of conversion that will lead us to walk the path of holiness of Marie Poussepin.


This is a young woman named Charlotte Laniol, 21 years old, who is in the service of the patients of the Hospice of Beaugency, in the Loiret region in France. On July 21, 1911, she felt a breakdown in her health: headaches, muscle aches and fever. Then other symptoms appeared, typical of the deterioration of the organs, skin, mucous membranes and nervous system. This fever was attributed to typhoid, a diagnosis that was confirmed after a serious examination. Twenty days later, the disease became so severe that intestinal bleeding was suspected. The doctors warned about the short time she had left to live. On August 9, the Sisters began a novena of prayers to God to obtain Charlotte's cure through the intercession of Marie Poussepin. On the 11th at noon they placed on the head of the sick woman an image of the servant of God and made her ask for her healing. Then, without any possible scientific explanation, Charlotte recovered her health immediately. The meeting of the doctors of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints on December 17, 1992 confirmed that this healing was immediate, full and lasting and that it could not be scientifically explained at that time.

For her life's work in the service of others, Marie Poussepin was beatified on November 20, 1994 in Rome, by His Holiness Pope John Paul II, and received the title of Social Apostle of Charity... the aim of the beatification is to propose her as a model of Christian life and holiness.

We have undertaken this feast as a family Presentation, all united as parents, students, teachers, staff, administrators and friends of the school.