From Bogotá, letter to the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation

on 31 Jul, 2020
Hits: 2343

Bogotá (Colombia), 07/31/2020, Sr. Alba Lucía Chaverra Muriel, Franciscan Missionary of the Child Jesus.- Dear DOMINICAN SISTERS OF CHARITY OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE HOLY VIRGIN. First of all I want to greet you and congratulate you on the year of grace that we are living, as it is the 25th anniversary of the Beatification of our dear MARIE POUSSEPIN, which your Superior General, Sr. María Escayola has instituted, precisely so that we may pray God for the Canonization of this great Saint, who reflects the immense love of God, putting herself at the service of her brothers and sisters.

Well, I am Sister Alba Lucia Chaverra Muriel, Franciscan Missionary of the Child Jesus, a very good friend and companion of many sisters of the Presentation. I studied my high school diploma with you; therefore, I have a lot of knowledge about the congregation and I know many things about the spirituality of the congregation. I made this video precisely with my heart, because of this event that we are celebrating, which I collected some phrases of Marie Poussepin to highlight her pleasant memory. I am passing it on to the girls in the last grade especially. I have been working with you for five years in the pastoral area in one of the schools of the Province of Bogota and I want the girls not to leave without knowing who Marie Poussepin was. Why I did not become a Presentation Sister? The vocation and the community one chooses is a mystery. A giant hug for everyone. God bless you.