Marie Poussepin, a sparkling life

on 08 Aug, 2020
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Venezuela, 08/08/2020, Marcos Milano.- The proclamation of Jesus Christ in the service of Charity.

The ways of God are mysterious like the way of the wind, or like the way in which the human spirit is infused into the body of the child even in the womb of its mother (Ecclesiastes 11: 5).

Between 1648 and 1653, France faces a terrible crisis which will generate internal conflicts, until the civil war, this historical period is known under the name of Fronde; Name that evokes the catapults or stones carried by the rebels of the first uprising in Paris. These stones were used as weapons in the various uprisings and in the last battle against the King of France.

With King Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu took over as Prime Minister and, in his quest, to overcome the economic crisis that hit Europe, he increased taxes. With the death of Richelieu in 1642 and, later, that of Louis XIII in 1643, the royal power was weakened under the organization of a regency. This is aggravated by the difficult financial situation engendered by the intervention in the Thirty Years War, discontent, intrigues, revolts and above all poverty and misery. In this environment marked by a severe economic crisis, Marie Poussepin was born on October 14, 1653 in DOURDAN, a relatively prosperous population if we compare it to almost all the French regions of the time. Marie's parents, Claude Poussepin and Julienne Fourrier, form a home with strong Christian convictions which they pass on to their children. Marie is the oldest of seven brothers and sisters, all of whom died very young, with the exception of the youngest, Claude.

Marie Poussepin has shown great integrity, maturity and spiritual greatness throughout her life, in her are summed up the two main commandments of divine law: "To love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself. even ".

Marie, from an early age, faced family problems and difficulties of serenity and strength, she was always wise in her judgments and decisions, especially when she had to take care of her little brother and her management of the family business (handmade silk stockings) that her father had founded. Perhaps in her childhood and youth, she never knew the great philosophical canons of antiquity, but there is no doubt that the cardinal virtues were perfectly fused there: Prudence, Justice, Strength and Temperance. The education she initially received at home was instrumental in uplifting her spirit. Christian values and the principles of her family were the foundation of her life and these solid foundations made her unyielding in her beliefs.

She captured the essence of the souls that surrounded her in her tireless mission and pastoral work. With sublime wisdom and divine intelligence, she understood the different human manifestations and was able to give precise answers to all needs.

Mary, radiated with the purest love which springs from the people chosen by the Most High to bring his light to humanity.

When her younger brother was able to take over the direction of the factory, she decided to take the path her heart dictated to her and to follow the path of the light of the Lord, his eternal and supreme love. At the beginning of 1696, Marie Poussepin left the industrial city of Dourdan and settled in Sainville, a very poor and needy little town. She wishes to devote all her attention to the most disadvantaged, especially children and the sick.

Marie Poussepin, understands and internalizes in her spirit, her soul and her spirit that her life must be devoted to the love of God and of humanity: “Just as the son of man did not come to be served , but to serve and give his life to the help of many "Mt 20:28. She was thinking of all the stages of the human being since her birth:" Sow in hearts, still tender, the seed of piety "; “Childhood and youth are very favorable ages for educating in virtues”; "It is necessary to form good subjects to respond to the pious intentions of those who ask for it." Her impeccable work, full of love and mercy, was comprehensive, encompassing every stage of human life, her sublime thought directed to the physical and spiritual care of people. Her educational reflection focused on charity and solidarity with the most disadvantaged, with those who suffer and live in poverty.

She is committed to educating in the faith. The pedagogy of love was its most precious standard, the order: "To educate young people is to lead them to avoid the disorders to which misery and ignorance expose them". Discipline with tenderness: "You will behave very cautiously when it comes to reprimanding." “Have a lot of tenderness and vigilance with the young people you educate”; "Be gentle without weakness, firm without harshness, serious without rise"

The time in which she lived was marked by profound social and economic transformations, conflicts, trials, illnesses ... but she knew how to face and overcome all these vicissitudes, she was an indefatigable woman with a lot of strength, spiritual, she never gave up and always kept faith in her Lord and Savior like every good and holy Christian.

With her high faith, in high prayer, with a lot of peace in her soul and in her heart and with the satisfaction of her duty accomplished, Marie Poussepin, 90, understands that it is time to go and meet her. Creator and eternal love. She and the Lord met at a spiritual feast on January 24, 1744. From that day until today, her daughters have assumed her inheritance with responsibility, discipline, dedication and much love, remaining faithful to his ideal.

Her daughters, the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, remain faithful to the proclamation of Jesus Christ through the service of charity. This three-century fidelity is the proof of the holiness of its Foundress: The Church officially recognizes it on November 20, 1994, in the solemn act of her beatification.

Lord, merciful Father,
You made Marie Poussepin,
a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ,
in faith and charity;
grant us to imitate him
contemplative listening
and devoted to the Word of God,
for humble and generous service to brothers and sisters,
and listen, through her intercession,
the supplications that we address to you in our needs.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.