From Manizales: Who is Marie Poussepin?

on 19 Aug, 2020
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Colombia, 08/19/2020, text: Adrián Ricardo Cabrera, video: Samuel Cabrera Cruz.- Marie Poussepin: She knew how to listen to the voice of God by abandoning herself completely to Him. To speak about Marie Poussepin is to immerse oneself in the richness of her charism, a charism that has been revitalized and has remained valid in history, the history of the people of God. Many generations have been nourishing from Marie Poussepin's charism, those who have been the recipients of her evangelizing mission: the sick, the children, the poor, the weak; those who perhaps are hopeless because they expect nothing from society or life, but who wish to know the ministries of Jesus Christ; and the charism of Marie Poussepin is always alive, announcing the Kingdom through charity.

Her project, new in her time, but sustained by the Faith and love of the one who can do everything, could be realized not without first overcoming the difficulties with the audacity and decision of this courageous woman. In this way, she formed a community of women, who opted with generosity and dedication to live in it and for the service of charity; carrying out the mission through permanent apostolic action; in a community protected and guided by our most holy Mother, Mary.

Her work of charity has made history in the world and in the Church, the fruits are innumerable above all because the Being of the recipients of the mission has been built up and humanized, thus fulfilling his postulate: "have a great concern to build up the souls of all, by your words and your example".

Really, the labor of this pious and charitable woman has transcended frontiers; it is for this reason that the Church, more than 25 years ago through Pope John Paul II, knew how to recognize this courageous woman, granting her the grace of being called Blessed, Blessed Marie Poussepin, Social Apostle of Charity. Yes, she is a woman of the province, simple, tender, daring, but above all a privileged woman for knowing that she is loved by God and loves her neighbor and especially children. Reflecting on her life and work gives us the opportunity to confirm that she truly, after the example of Mary, knew how to listen to the voice of God by abandoning herself totally in Him.

Today, those whom she loved with special predilection, the children continue to know and talk about her life, her work and her charism.