II Meeting of Delegates of the Media for Latin America and The Caribbean

on 25 Mar, 2018
Hits: 3695

Cali (Colombia), 03/23/2018, Media writing team.-  With the invitation to be "Open Letters" to the world to communicate the Gospel, the Province of Manizales welcomes with love and openness the sisters who participate in the II Meeting of MCS for America Latina and the Caribbean. From March 23 to 25, delegates from the Structures of Guadalupe, Los Andes, Aconcagua, Bogota, Medellin, Manizales, Bucaramanga and Santafé, get together to think about the way to put onto practice, this project in the structures and the Congregation.

Today’s theme was Narrative Theology. This is a theological practice whose means is the narration that facilitates the argumentation and let us know the Revelation. An important subject for a holistic formation of the communicator. Thanks to Sr. Blanca Aurora Marin Hoyos, General Councilor and the MCS Coordinating team of the Congregation for their company and organization of this event.

On the afternoon of March 23, the 35 sisters gathered at the II meeting of Delegates of MCS in Cali, worked motivated by Sr. Blanca Aurora Marín Hoyos, who deepened the message of the Holy Father Francis for the 52 world day of social communications "the truth will set you free" (Jn 8,32) Fake news and peace journalism and how to defend ourselves against false news. For this we take up again the recommendations of Marie Poussepin and our Constitutions, which offer us all the means to leave us penetrate the Truth and be custodians of it, because this is our mission C.18.

Then the assembly watched the Video sent by sisters Gemma Morató and Conchi García in which they reminded us the tools to write good news and gave us elements for better participation with news for the Web of the Congregation. The sisters valued this space for work and reflection and thank them also sisters Gemma Morató and Conchi García for the training during Online course.