Bogotá: House of Spirituality “Nazareth-Petaluma-Cachipay”

on 26 May, 2018
Hits: 3472

Bogotá (Colombia), 05/25/2018, Sr. Mimiya Castro.- The love that unites us in community and that is open to all our brothers and sisters who wish to come to this house of spirituality, attended directly by us sisters, offers a space within nature to religious communities, parishes, lay movements, university groups, missionaries, family members or individuals... 

House of SpiritualityHouse of SpiritualityPeople eager for an accompaniment, which search a place to do their spiritual retreats, prayer encounters, reflection journeys.... In a climate of silence that allows openness to a personal encounter with God, itself and others.
At the House of Spirituality Petaluma we encourage the community meetings as a favorable opportunity to:
- Make study as a specific element of our Dominican life, a means of deepening the Gospel values and the practice of truth, compassion and mercy.
- Socialize and enrich each other in cultural diversity.
- Share sorrows and joy.
- Discuss apostolic worries of the Church and the world.
- To know and update news from the family, the Congregation, the world, the society.
- Give priority to the visit of the sick from the neighborhood.
Our community is integrated by five Sisters, with a strong sense of belonging to the Congregation and within it to the Province of Santafé de Bogotá, convinced that the revitalization of life and mission is only possible with the contribution and commitment of all. Corresponsibles and committed with the life of the community and the mission entrusted. Willing and conscious of growing in the knowledge, the acceptance, the valuation and the integration of whom we are and what we do.



House of Spirituality “Nazareth-Petaluma-Cachipay”

Offers a space within nature to religious communities, parishes, lay movements, university groups, missionaries, family members or individuals...