We are fruit of God’s love

on 03 Jun, 2018
Hits: 3012

Bogotá (Colombia), 05/30/2018, Sr. Luz Grecia Ocampo Gaviria.- At the School of the Presentation Fatima, took place the ceremony of consecration of the 5th grade children to the movement Missionary Bees in Action (AMA) “Abejas Misioneras en Accion”. The ceremony was presided by Father Juan Guillermo Garcia who collaborates in the formation of the Missionaries of the Youth. The preaching was centered in the missionary compromise and the labor that the bees develop in their natural environment and the balance they keep within the beehive: "We are fruit of God’s love".

Group of consecrated children AMAGroup of consecrated children AMA

The celebration was held with the creativity, dedication, generosity, fervor, elegance, dynamism and teamwork of the Department of Pastoral and Arts. The formation and accompaniment of the movement Missionary Bees in Action (AMA), is under the responsibility of Sisters Luz Grecia Ocampo Gaviria and Leidy Viviany Moreno Garzon, Advisors of the Children and Youth Ministry of the School. The Missionary Bees in Action (AMA )movement aims to accompany the process of integral growth of children, through the development of the potential of the person, thus guaranteeing an option for Jesus Christ in the Church and in Society, making the Charism of Marie Poussepin a reality, through evangelization.

The identity of the Missionary Bees in Action (AMA) reflects in:
  • Love to Christ and commitment with His life project, having Marie Poussepin as model and guide, example of life
  • Sense of belonging to the Church, to the Congregation and to the Movement
  • Team work
  • Recognition of your personal dignity
  • Active participation in the construction of the beehive
  • Being a responsible and disciplined bee (member of the group)
  • Be a positive leader
  • Love to the Virgin Mary in the imitation of her virtues

Experience of the Dominican pillars: Prayer, fraternity, study and mission. We thank God for the beautiful group of 85 children consecrated for the service of fidelity and of gift.