Bogotá: 5th National Meeting of Vocation Ministry

on 14 Sep, 2018
Hits: 3148

Bogotá (Colombia), August 2018, Sr. Olga María Botia.- The 5th National Meeting of Vocation Ministry in Colombia, organized by the Vocation Ministry Commission of the Conference of Religious of Colombia, was held in Bogota from August 17 to 19, with the theme “LISTEN, DISCERN AND LIVE THE CALL OF THE LORD”. Sixty-six women and men religious from different Congregations (3 Sisters of the Presentation from the Province of Santa Fe) and some laity committed to the mission of Youth and Vocation Ministry participated in it.

The objective of this meeting: to offer an assessment of the reality of today’s youth, the place for the Lord’s call and to give elements for the discernment and accompaniment of vocations. In her opening message, Sr. Marta Escobar, secretary of the Conference of Religious thanked us, men and women religious who work with the youth in different areas, for our participation. She encouraged us not to economize our strengths and resources and continue with our tireless commitment to this journey of accompanying vocations.

Doctor Edwin Montes Marín, through a series of workshops shared his experience of working with the youth of Sabaneta (Antioquia). He insisted on the importance of getting out of our comfort zones and going to meet the other... helping the youth to discover the presence of God in nature. We have to investigate, be patient and have a process to find out the elements that will help us to understand the youth better and to strengthen the work of youth and vocation ministry in the whole area of Colombia.

Sr. Ana Francisca Vergara, Dominican Sister of the Presentation shared her reflections entitled “The Metaphor of the Lake and the following of Jesus” (Jn. 1: 35 and ff). In the light of this message, we affirmed the following: 1. Not to do vocation ministry without referring to the Scriptures 2. From which context comes the youth whom we accompany? 3. To be men and women with a capacity for listening and an open mentality which knows how to be a bridge between the youth and Jesus and to be aware that our role as persons who accompany, must disappear at a determined time.

Sr. Rosalba Villamil, secretary of the Commission of CRC for vocation ministry, in her concluding message for the meeting, thanked the religious for their participation. She underlined that it is very important: To continue to look at the reality of each youth without prejudices, to approach them, empower them, make them feel valued and stimulated... converse with them on the subjects that interest them and accompany their processes. To achieve networking with other Congregations and Sections, to journey together and not to multiply efforts and expenses, to share our charisms, criteria and visions... to be in touch with other experiences and information. To Journey with the laity who collaborate with us in accompanying the youth of today in the discernment of their projects for life. To encourage the meeting of different Congregations and coordinate activities to strengthen our mission and to cooperate together for the evangelization of the new cultures of youth.” (cf. Concluding Message, 5th National Meeting of the Youth Ministry, CRC).

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