Bogotá (Colombia), 09/15/2018, Sr. Luz Marina Socha.- With deep gratitude, the province of Santa Fe celebrated with joy, happiness and participation the feast in honor of the elderly sisters who are located in the community of Miramonte, Fusagasuga.
"Grandparents are family wisdom, the wisdom of a people,
and a people who does not listen to grandparents
is a dying people."
Father Francisco, 2013
The day was organized by the Provincial Expanded Council, who delicately prepared every detail and every moment of the holiday. The celebration began with the prayer of Lauds and the solemn Eucharist presided by Father Francisco Salgado, chaplain of the community; it was animated by the beautiful Children’s Choir of the Fusagasugá Presentation School. Also, some presented the offerings, beautifully prepared by the Presentation School of Girardot. The celebration was an occasion to give thanks for the life of the sisters and the 100th Birthday of Hna. Aura Dolores, on the feast of our Lady of Sorrows. After the Eucharist, fraternal sharing continued with a delicious snack to give a start to a one and a half hour of recreation: colored balloons, garlands, holiday hats, group dynamics, songs, gifts, sweets, passing of hors d’oeuvres, laughter, applause and inclusion of sisters who were invited to feel the joy of being "Revitalized by the Lord".
The participation of sisters was carried out in four groups, and each group took one of the values to be considered in the preparation to the Chapters of each structure of the Congregation: prudence, discretion, privacy and charity. The theme of the competition revolved around the slogan "You know what we don't know". It is noteworthy that the festive lunch, was animated by a trio of Colombian music.
We are grateful to each of the communities of the Province, for their generosity, love and support for our beloved community of Miramonte. This year the Province made it a point to make provision of more electrical hospital beds, wheelchairs and chair-bedpans.