Manizales: The 17th Meeting of the Lay associates of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation

on 23 Oct, 2018
Hits: 2968

Pitalito (Colombia), 10/17/2018, Lay Participants.- From October 11 to 14, 2018, the 17th meeting of the Lay associates of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation was held in Pitalito (Huila). Its objective was to share on the Encyclical “LAUDATO SI” of Pope Francis about taking care of our common house.

Each one of the groups: Manizales, Ibagué, Cali, Neiva and Pitalito had been preparing for this meeting since their previous meeting. Each year, on these dates we come to know about this meeting and the theme to be prepared for the following meeting. The opening message spoke to us about the favorable time to open ourselves more to God who breaks into our present moment, inviting us to live with the motto of mercy to each person. We are faced with the radical demands of life, the great changes in every field and the alarming crisis of values, but at the same time something new is emerging, a unique space that demands for creative Fidelity, unconditional dedication and commitment… Dear lay men and women, you are "Men and women of the Church in the heart of the world and men and women of the world in the heart of the Church."

An authentic faith is never cozy and individualistic, it always implies a profound desire to change the world, transmit values and leave behind something better when we depart from this earth. We love this magnificent earth where God has placed us and the human race which inhabits it, with all its tragedies and fatigue, hopes and aspirations and values and weaknesses. The earth is our common house (EG 183).

The renewal of consecrated lay men and women during the Eucharistic celebration on the feast of our Mother Foundress, Marie Poussepin was a memorable moment for those who wished to respond to the call of the Spirit, sharing the principles of Truth, Charity and Freedom… being nourished by the Word, the Charism of Marie Poussepin and the Spirituality of Dominic de Guzman and participating in the mission of the Congregation. We returned to our places of mission, charged with enthusiasm for the mission that we realize as “Lay associates of Dominican Sisters of the Presentation”.

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