International Conference: "Educating for Solidary Humanism"

on 16 Nov, 2018
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Bogotá (Colombia), 11/16/2018, Sr. Olga María Bottia.- On Wednesday, November 7, 2018 was held at the University of La Salle in Bogota, the International Conference "EDUCATING FOR SOLIDARY HUMANISM". It was organized by the Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education (CIEC). The event was attended by 560 people (Priests, Religious and religion teachers) of different nationalities.

Participants in the meetingParticipants in the meeting

The conferences dealt with the following topics:
• Development of creativity as the central element of learning and innovation in school (Manuela Lara).
• Leadership and Communication  (Fernando Vasquez).
• Voyage to the School of the 21st century (Alfredo Calvo).
• We accompany processes, we transform realities (Juan Pedro Castellanos).
• God with us: the tracking of Jesus in Catholic School (Ricardo Mier).
• Digital Transformation of the School in Latin America (Samir Estefan).
• The Educational Project of Pope Francis, presentation of the book (Oscar A. Pérez S.).
• Educating for Solidary Humanism (Monsignor Angelo Vicenzo).

Some ideas on the Conference: La Dra. Manuela Lara and Monsignor Ángelo Vicenzo

Why is creativity so important?

Creativity is the ability to find intelligent and useful solutions to our problems.
Genetically we are torrents of creativity, why do we lose it? 
-"The most important function of schools should be to provide the students with the creative response to manage the ambiguity and uncertainty that surrounds us and to constructively deal with multiple perspectives sometimes irreconcilable" (Helen Haste).
Just "now "we are preparing students for jobs that do not yet exist, which will use technologies that have not yet been invented in order to solve problems that we still don't even know that they are" (Karl Fish).

Educating for solidary humanism: Challenges and Perspectives (Monsignor Ángelo Vicenzo)

Educational emergency: "Education, which should help people to grow in freedom and peace, is a process that is based, first of all, in the hope that - as the Pope - invites us “to recognize that there is always an exit, that we can always redirect the course, we can always do something to solve problems".

1. Educational challenges: The fundamental right of children and young people to be considered at the center of attention of Governments and, therefore, to the center of the political, economic and financial decisions, imposes a greater investment in education and, above all, raise education that you know how to do synthesis among numerous tensions, avoiding extreme positions.
The crisis of relations and communication between the generations, the diffusion of the digital world and social networks.

2. The education challenge and response to:
(a) the school of all and for all.
(b) for a school of humanity.
(c) educating for change: the meaning of creativity.
(d) mastering "languages".
(e) continuity in the pursuit of values.

3. A precise idea of man. Who is educated? The whole person

4. Some educational recommendations – rebuild the educational pact with the family. It requires a paradigm shift in the educational planning - educating for citizenship - culture of dialogue between cultures / inclusion - educating on the importance and  urgent fostering of  an educational community that proposes a common project where everyone has the possibility of making comprehensive findings.

In addition to the conferences, two experiences were shared: 1. The Education Plan of the Archdiocese of Bogotá (SEAB); its central purpose is embodied in the motto: be excellent human beings, true Christians and true servers of the company. Continuing education: as a strategy to meet the requirements as personal and professional level teachers, coordinators, rectors, chaplains, counselors and administrators, who accompany the training of children and young people belonging to the SEAB. 2. Solidary humanism, Colegio San Viator-Bilingual International.

All the presenters shared in an extraordinary way their knowledge and urged participants to continue with courage and without fear in the beautiful mission of educating.