Medellín (Colombia), 07/20/2019, Sr. Yeli Aidé Aristizábal.- On July 10th, Rosario Clinic, founded in 1959, had an appointment with history, celebrating 60 years of presence and service in the challenging world of health.
The Provincial House of Medellin, opened its doors to welcome around 500 people who came to congratulate themselves with this event, there lived moments of thanksgiving, joy, reunion and memory. Every detail prepared and lived with intensity makes it possible to feel that the Charisma of Marie Poussepin is still alive, throbbing in the midst of the sick. The mission of each sister and each employee during these six decades, speaks of a life donated on a day-to-day basis in the charity service, making reality the institutional motto "love that accompanies and service that relieves». The lived events also confirm the interest of the Province and the Congregation to keep the missionary works alive, through which is embodied a congregational charisma which is the response of the Church to the needs of the world.