Sainville (France), 02/03/2020, Sr. Diana Gisela Dolorita.- On January 24, 2020, in an atmosphere of great joy and thanksgiving, a heartwarming Eucharistic celebration marked the reopening of the Community of Sainville. In her words of welcome, Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General recalled that Marie Poussepin had established a community in Sainville for the service of the parish, to instruct youth and serve the sick poor of the village. The raison d'être of her Community is to know and announce Jesus Christ through the service of Charity.
The new Community is composed of: Sister Alicia Álvarez Arenas (superior), Sister Ana Isabel Manrique Blanco and Mr. Rosalie Silga. María Verónica Villalba, from the Province of Bucaramanga is with them to continue her process of formation and make her novitiate there.
In his homily, Father Silouane Deletraz, parish priest of the Blessed Marie Poussepin parish of Auneau, invited each one to see and realize what is good according to his/her personal vocation so that the parish and religious communities can radiate and spread the joy of the Gospel there where Jesus has sends us.
Together with sisters of the community of Dourdan and a representation from the general community, the sisters were accompanied by seven priests, a deacon and a large number of people from Sainville, Dourdan and the surrounding villages. All expressed their joy for the presence of the community in Sainville and many offered to collaborate with the sisters in their needs.
We are grateful to all the sisters of the Congregation for their expressions through messages and their communion with us on this occasion through their prayer and the celebrations that took place in the structures.