Covid-19: Some news from the Congregation - N. 3

on 02 Apr, 2020
Hits: 2253

04/03/2020, Of various structures.- We continue to share with you the experience of our sisters from different communities or structures in this time of global health crisis. 

Interactive map

Map as of 04/02/2020. Click on the image to see the interactive map of Johns Hopkins UniversityMap as of 04/02/2020. Click on the image to see the interactive map of Johns Hopkins University

From the Province of Bogotá

 27/03/2020.-  From our Province we send greetings to the Sisters of the different Structures of the Congregation in this moment of uncertainty but with eyes fixed on God our Savior.

On March 6, the first case of Covid-19 was confirmed in our country, detected in a young woman who arrived in Bogotá from Milan, Italy. From then on, authorities and Ministry of Health of our country began to implement protocols and health measures to prevent its spread. From March 20 to 23, a preventive isolation discipline was decreed and this is mandatory to be continued until April 13. This situation radically effects the national, social, economic, family and individual life of each person, which implies the forced adaptation of new patterns and habits of behavior.

On the other hand, outbreaks of disorder are appearing from groups that intend to break-in to markets and storerooms. The Government is seeking alternatives to respond to the basic needs of the most vulnerable and low-income population.

So far the Sisters of our Province are healthy from the virus, applying all the security measures and spending more time in prayer and reflection. The communities have limited the collaborators as much as possible and the Sisters going out for errands.

A significant number of staff collaborating with us are on early vacation, others are working from home. The schools have adopted platforms for the virtual classes scheduled until March 30, then the students will continue on vacation until April 20. In a sense of solidarity and responsibility with the employees and their families, the Province offered advance payment of salary for the month of March and is committed to maintaining their job stability, regardless of the fact that they may not be able to be present for duty during the time of restricted mobility due to the pandemic.

Palermo Clinic is committed to the service of life and is preparing and has a emergency plan that is widely publicized to all personnel to provide the necessary care to those infected with this virus. 

The Provincial Government has sent a communication to all the communities to take all the measures, encourage isolation and CARE FOR ALL LIFE, to invite communion and prayer. We are looking for alternatives to accompany and encourage the communities at this moment of crisis in this new time in which we live, to recognize the presence of God and to spread hope.

In Cuba, measures of isolation are being taken, the bishops have united themselves to raise up hope through prayer. The churches remain open, although there are no public celebrations. In Nicaragua, the situation is more difficult, since the government has not taken any measures, there is no concern for the citizens, value of human life and right to health; however, from the educational sector, the Church has asked to implement isolation for the schools so that the students can, as far as possible, receive classes online and do their work. 

We join in prayer for the needs of the Congregation and all those most affected by the pandemic worldwide.

From the Province of Guadalupe

29/03/2020, Sr. Janet Ceja.-  All the communities of the Province has taken the same vibrant measures of accepting the indications, intensifying the prayer and being a support for those who communicate by the different electronic means.

Guatemala, Community Santa María Ixhuatán
25/03/2020. On March 13, the first person infected with Coronavirus appeared in the country and the following day the President of the Republic decreed a national quarantine. Classes and meetings were suspended until a curfew was decreed. On Sunday of that week, the parish priest invited us to the Eucharist that he celebrated behind closed doors; on Thursday the 19th, we were again able to attend the Eucharist. Suddenly the community and missionary plans changed.

We had already spent 11 days in quarantine, following the recommendations and taking advantage of the time to do everything that we had not done because of other pressing matters. It has been a time to enjoy the silence and to contemplate God in creation. We thank God for being able to count on the "Virtual Parishes" through which we have lived the Eucharist, realizing spiritual communion. In the country, to date there are 21 people infected with the coronavirus, and a thousand people in quarantine due to the risk of contagion. Thanks be to God that we are well, living this time with hope confident that the Lord will do his part and we will do ours. This is the time to remain united in prayer with the Church, the Congregation and for the needs of the world.

El Salvador. Colonia Dolores Community, San Salvador
Since March 5, the airport was closed and foreigners were not allowed to enter the country. On March 21, quarantine for 30 days was decreed. Each day the measures are more drastic; only one person per family is allowed to leave twice a week and must carry a letter of authorization. There is a few transport facilities. There are three sisters in our community, but at the moment there are only two. The third sister was not able to enter the country and is staying in the Provincial House in Mexico City. We are keeping to the measures of staying in the house, ceasing all pastoral activity, especially the Clinic of Biomagnetism, the source of our income. We were able to purchase some food items and necessary things before the quarantine. We have the support of the Laity of the Dominicans of the Presentation, who have been looking after the community. We communicate with them through WhatsApp messages or a call, together we offer each other encouragement and hope. 

We share the reflection of the Gospel daily, a phrase or an image that fills us with joy and dynamism, prayers that call us to do as a family, because of the present situation. With them we trust in the Lord who supports us.

From the beginning, the indications given by the Secretary of Health and the Mexican Episcopal Conference were very clear and the Sisters are following them in all the communities. They celebrate the Word of God and receive communion; they take advantage of this to have more time for prayer, study, updating the "setbacks", repairing the house, and having spaces for fraternal sharing.

Community of Tlaxcala

We are in good health, taking the preventive measures that have been given. We receive the clients for therapies. We give attention and take care to keep the places clean following the hygiene recommendations. The clients are invited to look at this moment of exceptional, in an attitude of faith, hope and solidarity with our brothers and sisters through prayer offering information through communication media to prevent and favor health care for all. We offer intense times of prayer for this reality that is lived in the world.

Community of Morelia, Michoacán
We are a community of 5 Sisters whose mission is in the Residence of Marie Poussepin, which at this time is without young people. All the students have gone to their families. Morelia continues with its normal life, few establishments have closed, the army is vigilant in the streets. There are some sick people of the virus infection, outside the city. We have suspended the meetings of the groups that come to the house. We are in communication with the people closest to us and with our families who, thanks be to God, are well. We attend to the young women who are in the process of vocational discernment through communications through Facebook and WhatsApp. We thank God's Providence, who through our benefactors allows us to have what we need for these days and the Lay Dominicans of the Presentation, who are attentive to our needs. In the face of this pandemic we ask ourselves: what does the Lord want to tell us with this? May he keep us firm in faith and hope.

Community of Ciudad Altamirano, Guerrero
25/03/2020.- We join the whole Congregation in this situation that affects us all in different ways and aggravates the situation of violence. At first it was commented that the virus Covid - 19, did not resist more than 22º C, and there was tranquility as we are in a hot place, until the first case in Acapulco, which made us aware that the virus could also reach us. Since it is the Center for Promotion of Health and the Family Monseñor Juan Navarro Ramírez A.C., and as long as the authorities allow it, we continue to attend to people with the therapy of Biomagnetism. So far no case of Covid-19 has been presented, however, we are in communication with the Biomagnetism groups in the country, which have already attended to 2 cases, successfully. We put on magnets, at least twice a week as a preventive action.

The economy of Ciudad Altamirano has been greatly affected by this situation which is aggravated by violence and the disappearance of young people who are recruited by drug trafficking groups. Today most of the shops lack basic products (rice, beans...). 

We remain very united to the Congregation, and to our world in which today, we see that everything is interconnected. We are open to reading the signs of the times of today. May the God of life help us to continue the work in favor of life and may Our Lady of the Visitation and Marie Poussepin show us the way of solidarity, to bring the God made flesh in our midst in the middle of this unspeakable situation.

Community of Welcome Provincial House, Mexico City
26/03/2020.- The Community of Welcome suggested to become aware of taking care of each other during this quarantine, to avoid going out into the street and to intensify prayer. At the location of the provincial house, car traffic is less, street traders are still struggling to sell their products; in the supply centers they have already begun to limit purchases, only 2 pieces of basic products (rice, beans, coffee, toilet paper...) are offered per person. In the news they comment that, for Mexico, the critical moment will be in April, we are confident that even though the large number of people who continue not to care about the indications, contagion and deaths will not be in large numbers. We entrust our people to the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, especially those who are already affected by low economic resources and reduced spaces in their homes.

Even in the midst of so many errors which were committed at the level of the Federal Government, we trust that joy, solidarity, unity and strength of prayer will unite us as a country, in case this situation goes out of hands of our Governors. We place our trust in the hands of Our Lady of Guadalupe.