Covid-19: Some news from the Congregation - N. 6

on 25 Apr, 2020
Hits: 2145

04/25/2020, General Government and of various structures.- Sisters, throughout these weeks and through Flash, we have been able to bring you the news that the different structures have shared with us their experience of confinement, due to the global health emergency caused by Covid-19. 

While it is true that in most of the countries within the geography of our congregation, the situation has been handled quite well, it is also true that, like the whole Church, our Congregation has suffered with the loss of two of our sisters. We accompany the sisters who have lost members of their family for the same cause, we pray for all the sick and rejoice with those who can be reintegrated into their family and social group. We begin to prepare for the post-confinement stage; we hope that these long spaces of encounter with the Lord and with our sisters, will help us to focus on what is essential for us, to modify behavior for the good of others and of nature, to know how to read the signs that this time has given us. 

Interactive map

Map as of 04/25/2020. Click on the image to see the interactive map of Carnegie Mellon University de Pittsburgh, en Pensilvania (Estados Unidos).Map as of 04/25/2020. Click on the image to see the interactive map of Carnegie Mellon University de Pittsburgh, en Pensilvania (Estados Unidos).


04/21/2020, Sr. Luisa Jiménez and Sisters of the Province.- 


On this time of Covid-19, our faith may be shaken, but God is always there speaking to us. Our Bishop had issued a statement on March 7 giving some directives to the faithful in order to protect each other. The government declared an alarm of the situation on March 16 with the arrival of the first infected case. New decrees are being issued every day.

As a result, the life has changed and fear has taken hold of many people, and even ourselves, especially in the beginning. Today we realize that life is being valued more than ever. We have grown in values: empathy, solidarity, patience... we have learned to give the best of ourselves, to be more thoughtful about others and to take care of our health. We value time as a gift from God, we see the need to seek God in prayer and to give Him time.

In fact, Jesus said to the Samaritan woman: "The hour is coming, and we are already in it, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth" Jn 4:23.


The governor decreed the quarantine and curfew on March 15 to April 30 for the entire island. Sixty people have died and 1118 infected.

The Sisters have followed the established norms, some working and studying from home online, all living this experience taking more time for prayer, study and reading. Holy Week was a real time of retreat in union with the whole Church taking advantage of the materials received through communication media.

We keep contact with the Sisters who live in another house and with our families; for the moment all are well. We continue with trust in the Lord, in solidarity with those who are sick, with the doctors, nurses and with those who have lost their loved ones. We are very much united with the whole Congregation.


Though we were not prepared at the political, economic and social levels, the action plan of the Government to prevent the spread of the virus on our territory was instantly observed by meeting its requirements very strictly.

On March 12, 2020, the first directive was issued to suspend all flights to and from Europe and Colombia for one month, as well as the meetings, events and gatherings at the national level with a decree "permanent emergency" for the coronavirus. Another of the measures in this action plan was the closure of schools, markets, commerce and borders which undoubtedly affected us in meeting our basic needs.

The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference have arranged in collaboration with all the priests and religious using different media: Eucharist, Reflections, Prayers, Talks, Bible Studies, creativity is magnificent. Many guidelines have been given, not only for social isolation but also for space for reflection, to listen to the Word that invites us to let ourselves be changed by it.

The first cases of covid-19 in Venezuela were reported on March 13, 2020; so far there are 256 infected and 9 dead, according to the information given by the Government. All this situation brings more complications to our battered Venezuela.

We are fine, thank God. Each one has continued with the responsibility of her mission in and from home.

The Presentation - Merida

The Community of the Presentation School of Mérida greets you with the joy of Easter: Our Risen Christ.

In Venezuela, it has been decreed that the school year 2019-2020 will be finalized at a distance, by various virtual means... This was demanding the sisters in charge of the School and the educators, to work hard and with difficulty to carry out this responsibility due to the sporadic electricity service and lack of access to internet... However, we continue to learn from the practical intelligence of Marie Poussepin, who with her wisdom strengthens and encourages us: welcoming this our country, today devastated by ideological conflicts, hunger, a very precarious health and education system... in the midst of our adversity we continue with challenge of instruction of girls and young women.

Access to the school is restricted. Teachers, staff in administration and maintenance, assist us in carrying out the essential tasks, keeping to the established protocols.  In the community, we follow our regular rhythm of life... surrendering ourselves to God so that this situation will pass and will inspire us to discern how to respond as Church and Congregation to the new scenarios that the pandemic will leave us with a challenge to our Christian identity.

House of Formation - Novitiate

The declaration of the pandemic made us think of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters with whom we share: the destitute, sick, isolated elderly, those who come to us to fetch filtered water, and the people on the streets... How can we continue our service of charity? It was requested to stay at home, let us prevent the spread of Covid-19. Between the fear and the desire to accompany our people... we discovered that it is not out of fear that we stay at home but in fraternal solidarity to care for and protect life.

We could not continue to offer food to some people, but our hearts were at peace because the schools are providing food. Now the people come to us to get filtered water and we organize ourselves so that it reaches everyone. It is a Charity that is organized and creative!  Sharing our water reminds us  of the well of Sainville...the embodied Charity that does not stop and looks for creative ways to respond.

We got organized between our chores at home, work activities, regular life...and the Holy Week arrived. On Palm Sunday people came to look for the blessed palm branches to put on their doors; some parents went out early to get the blessing of the palms; we have a little palm tree at home and we know that in faith the blessing reached our palm tree. We placed the branches of the Palm tree outside so that whoever passed by could carry it; the lay people of the Vicariate went from house to house carrying a blessed palm to those who could not get down and the joy of the heart moved us; the palm multiplied and reached everyone. We here repeat the multiplication of the Bread...

We try to respond with generosity of heart every time Charity knocks on our door. Although we are in quarantine and take care of ourselves, we seek thousand ways to be God's Presence in our sector, all for the Glory of God and the good of our brothers and sisters.

The Presentation - Tovar

In the city of Tovar there have been no cases of the virus at the moment; the guidelines of not leaving the house except during the established hours and in case of emergency are respected.  The schools remain closed, but the management and teachers give pedagogical guidelines for educating students at home with the help of their parents.

We are doing well, evangelizing our families, teachers, representatives and students through internet because for them it is a situation that generates anxiety and anguish, but we encourage them in faith and hope in Christ who strengthens us.

God's providence has manifested itself; the neighbors from their generosity share the little they have and are alert in case of any urgency or need arises. We continue to be united as a Congregation and a Province, very grateful for all the support and accompaniment offered to us.

Community of Welcome

In our community, which is made up of elderly sisters, we have strengthened the moments of personal and community prayer, strong moments of prayer with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, keeping very much in mind the victims of this pandemic and their families, thinking especially of those who are hospitalized.

This is something that has touched us in the depths of our hearts and we constantly implore Lord's mercy for them. This time also has led us to strengthen community life by sharing more among ourselves. We contact some elderly ladies who live alone through telephone to share with them our faith and our confidence in the Lord that we will soon overcome this difficult time.


Since March 13 we have been without students in both schools and without permanent service in the House of Mercy, We attend only to some occasional emergencies. We follow up with the teachers on the responsibility of the school year and we are in solidarity with people and families in their great need.

We are taking advantage of this time in an atmosphere of rest, study, prayer and protection for health. Our great concern at all levels is the rate of inflation, lack of gasoline, light and water in many sectors.

The Resurrection of Christ strengthens our hope in a future of peace, unity and freedom.


04/22/2020, Sr. Marta Luz Arango E..- With the arrival of the Covid-19, everyone entered into a state of uncertainty and alert to the news coming from all over, showing the seriousness of what this unknown virus was causing in different countries. Aware of the seriousness of the situation we adhered strictly to the rules given by the government of Colombia for the management of this situation in the country.

In our schools, students were sent to their families to receive classes through different virtual platforms.

Clinic “El Rosario” (in its two locations), made the necessary arrangements for the acquisition of required equipments as far as possible, to deal with this emergency, as planned by the government and Secretary of Health in Medellin. All our staff are still working and ready any time to face the situation that may arise. It should be mentioned that all scheduled surgeries were cancelled, only patients with vital emergencies are attended and hospitalized, therefore, the financial income has decreased notably and this brings in a very big concern, for the payment of the staff, which is a very high amount. Furthermore, people are afraid to go to clinics for fear of contagion and this affects not only the health care provided by health insurances  (EPS), but also prepaid and private medical care institutions. The Government does not financially support private institutions and this causes several concerns with regard to the stability of the institution. Efforts have been made at the level of the President of the Republic, Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Medellin, and other similar entities, but these gained no results.

The houses of elderly sisters have all the personnel authorized for the integral assistance of the sisters, since this care is within the exceptions granted in the Presidential Decree.

The service staff of the provincial house and of the local communities went on vacation during the period of obligatory confinement. Little by little they are returning, making use of all the protocols of prevention, for the care of themselves and of the sisters and thus avoiding the spread of the disease.

During this time, Communications were sent to the sisters (4 in total) to explain in detail the management of this time of isolation, especially regarding our beneficiaries and employees. This also motivated the sisters to accept the directives of the Government and to protect each other "When I take care of myself, I take care of you".

We follow closely the situation in Panama and Haiti, where the sisters also live the rigorous quarantine decreed by their respective governments. Panama is of special concern, given the significant contagion that has been registered. 

So far, thanks to God, in the three countries where we are present, there is no case of coronavirus among the sisters, nor among the staff who work with us.

We celebrated this Holy Week in a "different way" at the provincial house. Not having the chaplain with us, we made the daily celebration of the liturgy of the Word, a strong moment of coming together of the three communities in the Provincial House, having always in our intentions, to present to the Lord the reality that we live at the level of the Church, of the Congregation and of the world. Sr. Angela María Vélez Restrepo, Provincial Superior, during this time of quarantine, took the responsibility to prepare a very significant reflection, centered on the daily readings, to invite us to live this time in a special way.  We appreciated greatly its content which was shared with all the sisters of the Province. We also joined in the celebrations of Pope Francis and of the Dioceses and Archdioceses during the Easter Triduum.

It was a unique opportunity to appreciate all that we have, all that we have received from the Lord. We really experienced that the Lord has given us "one hundred for one". Although we are asked to be physically distant, there is a spiritual approach to the Lord and to the sisters, all in quarantine in the 36 countries where we are.

With optimism we follow this path knowing that we are with Jesus in the same boat... The storm will subside and new opportunities will be given to us by the Lord to continue our life and mission.


04/22/2020, Sr. Nidia Beatriz Mesa N. and Council.- In our Province, thanks be to God, the sisters are doing well, fulfilling the quarantine in its greatest discipline. The sisters of the provincial government have communicated with all the communities through a video call, which has allowed them to listen to us, to express feelings and emotions about this difficult moment that we are living.

We have experienced the presence of God through these events which motivate us to strengthen faith, hope and communion in our daily sharing; to dedicate more time to reflection, to study the Word and the documents of the Congregation. We have awakened even more in spite of our isolation to solidarity with ourselves and in the face of the pain and anguish that humanity is experiencing. We are fulfilling the administrative and educational mission in a virtual way and this requires new learning and experiences.

In the schools, computer resources have been optimized, through virtual platforms and other resources, in order to reach students and parents more efficiently; access to these resources is not always easy for those to whom they are addressed, which is a cause for concern. Currently, students and teachers are restarting school work virtually after a two-week break. Our sisters who worked with great interest, sense of belonging and co-responsibility with the teachers and administrators deserve our gratitude.  The general service staff are reintegrating into their work with flexible schedules, respecting all the protocols of hygiene and care indicated by the National Government.

In the Dominican Republic, the community of Santiago de los Caballeros has a Hospice for approximately 80 elderly adults, at this moment there are 4 sisters collaborating in this institution. We are concerned because there are 8 asymptomatic employees in suspicion of Covid-19; therefore, we turn to God's providence to protect this place of our mission.

The community of Clavellinas (Colegio Fe y Alegría), manages the distribution of products that the government provides to the families of the students, which implies constant travels to the Institution. The communities of Santo Domingo and La Romana remain in absolute quarantine.

Today, April 22, Colombia has registered 4149 infections, 196 deaths and the Dominican Republic 5300 infections and 260 deaths.

Very united with our Foundress in this year of grace, we ask her intercession so that we can continue the mission that the Lord is entrusting to us at this historic moment.